"Where is Narcissa?" I asked, placing a hand on Malfoy's chest. "You two have a falling out?"

Malfoy looked stunned. I'd softened Regulus yes, but not enough for him to not go along with my plan. He was still just as calculating even if he trusted me.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know alllll about your group."

"Regulus!" Lucius barked.

"And you better thank him for telling me, because I can provide your group with some lovely assets."

"What are you on about?"

"I hear god ole' Tom wants to keep the lines pure, is that right?"

"You wouldn't call such a powerful wizard that if you knew what was good for you," Lucius fumed.

"Well then maybe," I said yanking him by his tie. "Realize that I mean business since I did use that name!"

"Just explain, whore," he snapped.

"Exactly," I smirked. "Whore."

I felt an anxious hand on my back. Regulus did not like this, but I had to help him. He couldn't be seen as weak and untrustworthy for hanging out with me.

"I'm not following," Lucius said.

"Not only am I incredibly smart, I know you've seen my grades. They're near Regulus's. I'm a talented flyer as well. I've also got the ability to carry children. Riddle wants more pure wizards? Fine, but marriage isn't the way to go. I offer pure blood that can diversify the gene pool."

"You're joking," Lucius scoffed, and Regulus applied more pressure.

"I'm not, don't you think it's smart?" I asked.

"It could work, I just don't buy, it, plus, it'll just provide half siblings instead of cousins," he said.

"Yes, but they'll get further apart, it's a step."

"I'm still not buying it," he shot back.

"Who do you see me hanging out with when it isn't Regulus," I demanded.

"Those Gryffindors who are your brother's friends," he growled. I gave him a feral grin.

"And what do the three who aren't related to me have in common?"

"I dunno, I guess. Well they're all blokes, and they're idiots."

"What they lack in smarts they make up for with other parts," I said in a sing song voice.

"Wait? Really?"

"Mmmhmmm," I nodded. Regulus's grip hurt now, and I could feel his eyes burning into me.

"Lupin is gay," Lucius challenged.

"How do you think he knew that?" I said with a laugh. I hated that I had to rely on the stereotype that you had to "check" your sexuality, by trying it with the opposite sex. However, if there was anything I'd bet a galleon on it was that Lucius Malfoy, along with being a blood purest, was a homophobe. "We checked a couple times if I remember correctly."

"So you're saying you're for our cause?" He asked.

"Regulus convinced me, yeah. I thought why not switch up my three? Remus, Sirius, James could become Regulus, Lucius, Severus. Or perhaps Rosier, Crouch, Regulus." I said easily, and heard a horrible noise from my best friend.

"You mentioned Regulus twice," Lucius countered.

"Look at him, he's got a pretty face," I said. Lucius did look, and funnily enough seemed to agree, because I saw a sight nod.

"We'd have to wait until you were of age, for pregnancies I mean. We want to try to do everything by the law until the end," he explained. That sentence made me want to puke. All the horrible things that could mean were beyond imagining.

"Of course, I can always stay buddy buddy with the lion squad for details on the other side if you want," I smirked.

"You did good Regulus," Lucius gave Regulus a grin. "Nice rack too," he said as his eyes gazed down my form.

"I'll talk to my people, since neither of you has been marked yet," he said.

"Fair," I said crossing my arms, intentionally pushing out my breasts. Lucius took another look.

"If you want to succeed in this line of work, word of advice, it's not Tom anymore, it's Lord Voldemort."

Regulus had yanked my arm as soon as the blonde had left, and was pulling me out of the party. We were in an empty classroom. Soon, he was throwing chairs and punching walls. He was a whirlwind of anger and pent up rage.

I finally grabbed him, and pulled him to me. He wrestled out of the hug. Stared at me for a moment, tears entering his eyes, and fell back into my embrace.

"Why!" He demanded. "You're going to get yourself killed."

"You said we had to do things. This way you look loyal, I'm in, and we can still hang out."

"But, all those horrible things you said you'd do, you can't!"

"We will have won by the time I'm able to do any of it," I said, and he looked at me skeptically. We both knew I couldn't promise that.

"I hate that you're doing this for me," he said, cupping my face for a moment.

"I'm doing it of my own accord, you didn't force me to do that."

"Would you have done it if I wasn't a factor?" He challenged.

"That's unfair, it was to save someone. It could've been someone else. You can't take you out of the question because that's like saying 'would you still add two and two if you didn't need a result of four?'"

"That doesn't really make sense," he said with a little laugh. Suddenly we had burst into nervous and scared laughter that was coming out happy. We needed some release and screaming didn't seem to be an option.

"You could add 3 and 1," he offered.

"I like 2 better," I said, touching his cheek gently. I knew it made no sense, but I hoped he knew what I meant.

"I keep forgetting to ask," he said abruptly. "What do you want for Christmas?"

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