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| Chapter Eleven |

It was early in the morning when Rafe had woken up, the pain in his face being responsible for him to get up and get ready. He changed into a pair of jeans and a white button-down shirt before going over to his nightstand and opening up the top drawer.

His jaw tightened when he saw the bag of white powder. He closed his eyes and recounted the last time he was desperate and snorted a few lines.

He hadn't really been focused on the substance for over a month since she'd been back. He remembered swearing a vow to himself to stop because he didn't want to turn back to old ways when she was in his life again. He must've forgotten about the plastic bag in the drawer when he took that vow.

Taking it in his hands and walking into his bathroom, he hesitantly opened it up and stared at it for a few seconds before dumping it all into the toilet, never looking back when he flushed it and walked out of his room without a thought.

Trailing down the stairs and into the kitchen, he saw Topper standing there with Wheezie in front of him. Rafe had been avoiding his family like the plague since he got into the fight a few nights ago, so seeing Wheezie with his face still healing was something he didn't want to do.

They both turned to him and Wheezie's face dropped as she scanned the bruises and scars. "What happened to your faces? Both of you. Did you get into a fight?" She asked the both of them.

He ignored her and turned to Topper, "What are you doing here so early?" He questioned, taking a water bottle from the fridge and unscrewing the cap.

"I wanted to come check up on Sarah, see how she was doing." He shrugged, running a hand over his bruised face.

"She's up in her room. I've tried checking up on her too but she doesn't want to see anybody. I thought to call Lane to see if she would come over and talk to her but I didn't want to bother her anymore." Rafe frowned, thinking about the night he saw her with the Snow boy.

He wouldn't admit it, but he hated seeing him with her. It wasn't because he was trying to control who she could hang out with, but it was about Snow taking her away from him like he did in middle school.

Topper signed and Wheezie frowned, "What's wrong with Sarah? Is she hurt?"

Rafe turned to her and sighed, "She's fine, Wheeze. She just got her heart broken, is all." He lied, not daring to tell her the truth because she was known to run her mouth to their father.

She huffed before storming out of the kitchen, knowing there was something more to it since she hadn't seen Sarah in two days.

"Is she mad at us?" Topper asked, referring to Lane.

Rafe leaned his elbows on the counter and shoved his face into his hands as he let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know, but she didn't seem too happy when she found out both of us picked a fight with him. I think she's upset that we got hurt, not because we were doing the right thing by giving him what he deserved."

Topper bit his lip in thought as his mind ran a million miles a minute. He was worried about both of the girls he loved more than anybody.

"Do you think he'll actually listen to Sarah about not pressing charges?" Topper questioned, thinking about him and Rafe going to jail.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, RAFE CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now