He laid on his bed all day, waiting for his 'relatives' to get home. When they did however, they walked right past his door, as usual, and ignored him. Usually he would get yelled at when they got home.

About an hour later, the locks on the door were being unlocked and what shocked Harry, and made him scared, was that Dumbledore was pointing his wand at him.

"Imperio" Dumbledore said and Harry lost all control of his body, and mind. He saw glimpses of himself grabbing a butcher knife out of the kitchen drawer, he some himself grab the wand that was locked under the stairs, and what horrified him the most, was that he watched himself use the torture and killing curse on the Dursleys.

When the imperious was dropped, Dumbledore shot an obliviate at him, effectively making him forget Dumbledore was there. When he looked up in confusion, Dumbledore was gone, and the door to the Dursley's crashed open.

"Harry James Potter, you are under arrest for the murders of Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley Dursley, and Cedric Diggory. As well as the third warning of underaged magic." Mad-eye said looking down at the boy.

The next thing he knew, he was aparated to a dark cell and chained to the wall. "Your trial will begin at 8:00am. Be awake by then." Mad-eye said before slamming the cell door shut and walking away, leaving a heart broken Harry.

~time skip~

"Harry James Potter, how do you plead?" Fudge asked when the crowd settled and all was quiet.
"Innocent." Harry replied no hesitation.

"Administrate the Veritriserum." Fudge said. Harry's mouth was forced open and the nasty liquid was poured down his throat.

"State your name." Fudge said.
"Harry James Potter." Harry replied in a daze.
"Did you or did you not murder your muggle family?" Fudge asked.
"I did murder my muggle family." Harry responded.
"Did you murder Cedric Diggory?" Fudge asked.
"I did murder Cedric Diggory." Harry said, still in a daze. Although he could tell that he was under the imperious curse when he saw Hermiones lips moving to the words he was saying.
"I'll ask one more time Mr.Potter, how do you plead?" Fudge said.
"I plead Guilty of my crimes." Harry said.

The room erupted in shouts and yells, some noticing that something was wrong and that his answers were to practiced. However, the majority of the Wizengamont, found him guilty.

The cure was taken off and he just stared broken at the wall listening to the shout.
"The Wizengamont and I here by sentence Harry James Potter to Life in Azkaban for the murders of his muggle family and Cedric Diggory." Fudge said, banging his gavel on the table.

"You can't do this. He is clearly under the imperious. Look at him, he can't even move on his own command." Someone yelled, and Harry was surprised that it was Lucius Malfoy and the rest of the Malfoy family defending him.

"He is not under the imperious. We would have been notified if he were." Barty Crouch Sr. Said. Two aurors grabbed Harry by the arms and aparated to Azkaban. They grabbed a prison suit and forced Harry to change. He reluctantly did so.

Afterwards, he was shoved in a cell with more locks than the other doors. He sat up on the dirty ground and looked around. He saw the initials S.O.B on the wall and visibly shook.

They had put him in Sirius' old cell and he knew who was in the cells next to him. He slowly moved to a corner and pulled his legs to his chest. Silent tears flowing down his cheeks.

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