There before her eyes was possibly the prettiest girl Evie had ever seen in her entire life. She had coloured hair just like Evie, except hers was a gorgeous midnight purple instead of royal blue. It was tucked up into a messy ponytail, and it fell loosely around her shoulders. She wore a magenta dress with the slightest frill that came just up to her knees, and a black apron across the top, which somehow fit her every curve so perfectly. Evie didn't know how she didn't notice her when she first walked in, but she was sure standing out to her now.

"Oh my God..." Evie murmured to herself, as she simply stared at the girl spraying chemicals on metal and wiping it down casually. It was the most simple thing, cleaning the main counter, yet somehow the girl was making it look so fucking attractive.

"Whoa, she is something else. She's really pretty," Evie heard Carlos say from behind her.

"She's not just pretty. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life," Evie mused, her eyes still glued to her.

"Alright then Eves, I dare you to ask her out," Jay challenged.

THAT took Evie's eyes off of the girl.

She whirled around to face the boys again, and saw that Jay wore a smirk on his face, and his arms were folded comedically across his chest.

"AND you have to land the date with her," Carlos joined in.

It was all Evie could do to laugh at them. "You think that's seriously a dare? Please, I could do that in my sleep. I'll have a date with that gorgeous face in five minutes," She bragged, already getting up from her seat. Carlos rolled his eyes and Jay just scoffed at her, both boys watching as she quickly adjusted her hair and skirt. She then confidently began making her way to the front counter where the girl was stationed.

It was a known fact that Evie was the campus flirt. She'd had everybody in the whole school basically bowing down to her since freshman year, and she'd actually lost count of how many boyfriends and girlfriends she'd had in her life. Everybody knew her, and everybody wanted her. She had it all, she was beautiful, she was smooth, she was smart, and she was everything anybody could ever want. Heads turned when she strutted the hallways, hearts stopped when she merely asked for a pencil. So she was a misfit? So she was a flirt? She could have anybody she wanted worshipping her with the snap of her fingers, and that was all that mattered.

With that being said, this girl would be a piece of cake.

Because it was so quiet in the coffee shop today, there was no line, and there seemed to be no other workers with the girl either. She was working on her own, peacefully by herself. Perfect, some alone time.

Evie approached her confidently, and leaned against the silver countertop. She drummed her blue and gold painted nails atop the metal, simply waiting for the girl to notice her. After a few moments, she did. She looked up from her paper towel and cleaner, and offered Evie a small smile.

And God was it beautiful.

"Hi there, welcome to UCLA Coffee, how can I help you?" She asked politely.

Evie turned around and pointed over her shoulder to her table, where Jay and Carlos were still sitting, and now seemed to be wrapped up in a distracted conversation. You'd think they'd be watching this whole charade, but no, to be honest they were used to Evie doing this, so nothing really shocked them anymore. She'd be over here with a date that Friday night faster than they could order their coffee, it was really nothing new. They never typically bothered about watching anymore.

"My table and I were just wondering if we could get some napkins?" She asked, purposely lowering her voice to her signature husk, that she saved specifically for when she was trying to get somebody's attention. She was expecting a reaction from this girl, but she instead just...skipped right over it.

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