The Death of Lyarra Stark changed all of her children and her husband. Rickard Stark became more stoic, more withdrawn. He still was an amazing Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, but he poured himself into his duties, which didn't leave much room for anything else.

Brandon Stark became more vexed than before. He was quick to anger and very few things could calm him down when he allowed himself to boil over. Eddard became even more quiet, which many would think wasn't possible. He kept to himself a little more than he did before. Lyanna became even more of a brat. She started to protest anything she didn't want to do even more, which was everything she was meant to.

Amara changed to, despite handling everything effortlessly, she still withdrew. The death of her mother and the weight of her burdens, hardened her. She was still kind to everyone, but less social. She was still welcoming, but more protective than ever, not wanting to feel that loss of someone she loves again anytime soon. She was still tender to her siblings, but also more stern, reprimanding them when they step out of line or don't complete their duties.

Her brothers took to her change well, their respect and love for her grew, even when she was getting on to them. They knew that sometimes they stepped out of line and needed that tender scolding of a lady to set them on the right path again, much like their mother used to do. Lyanna on the other hand, pushed back even more. She didn't take kindly to her younger sister lecturing her, causing a many of fights, much like right now.

"I'm serious Lyanna, you need to stop skipping your lessons with the septa, thats the third time this week." Amara sternly said.

Lyanna rolled her eyes, like she normally does in these types of moments, "You are not my mother, you don't get to tell me what I can and can not do."

Amara usually doesn't let the attitude of her sister get to her, but this argument has been fought over and over, "But I do, Lyanna. I am the acting Lady of Winterfell. I am in charge of running this house and that involves telling you to go to your lessons."

"And I am not going to listen to you! Incase you forgot, I am the oldest daughter, not you. I am in charge."

Amara glares at her sister, "You should have stepped up if you wanted to be in charge, but you didn't, I did, Lyanna." She steps closer, nose to nose with the older girl, "Now, you have to suffer the consequences of your immaturity."

"I was a child!"

"So was I, Lyanna! Younger than you, but I stepped up! You don't get to step up now after all these years of standing off to the side and placing everything on me. You can't even act like a proper lady for five minutes, let alone long enough to be the Lady of Winterfell." Amara raises her voice back, something she very rarely does. Out of all her siblings, apart from Ned, she's the least likely to get outwardly angry. That is saved for Brandon and Lyanna, sometimes Benjen, but usually the youngest Stark is more carefree in nature, due mostly to Amara helping raise him.

Before Lyanna can respond back, Rickard Stark, who had been listening to the argument since it began, piped up, drawing the girls to his attention, "She's right, Lyanna. You need to start taking your responsibilities seriously. I better not hear from your sister or the septa of your missed lessons for the next moon, am I clear?"

Lyanna stares at her father,  wanting to argue some more, but the glare on his face has her biting her tongue, "Yes father." Bowing her head and stomping away, leaving Amara with her father.

"How long were you there?" Amara sighs, upset her father could have seen her raise her voice and succumb to her anger.

"The entire time."

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