They both were sitting on the sofa, little bit far from each other,y/n was playing with her fingers while taehyung was staring at her beautiful tiny figure

They both were sitting on the sofa, little bit far from each other,y/n was playing with her fingers while taehyung was staring at her beautiful tiny figure

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Soft stares


the door bell rang and taehyung went to take delivery,he placed the food on dinning table

the door bell rang and taehyung went to take delivery,he placed the food on dinning table

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Cheesey ground beef quesadillas

Y/n was sitting opposite to taehyung's chair,she dig into food and started eating like a child , taehyung was smiling to see her ,he also started eating,after they ate y/n put the dishes in sink and started to  wash them, taehyung was about to go in his office when he heard something broke in kitchen ,he quickly ran towards kitchen

Taehyung:y/n are you ok (Hold her hands to see if she got any cut)

Y/n:I'm o...ok ,it's just fell from my h...hand(A vase)

Taehyung: listen y/n

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Taehyung: listen y/ don't need to do this ok(squeeze her cheeks)




Y/n went to their bed room ,she took her night wear and entered in bathroom for taking shower, taehyung also came in and was sitting on the sofa using mobile ,he heard a thud sound from washroom and quickly ran towards the bath room

MY SHY LITTLE WIFE 🔞 #ff TaehyungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant