As they all were seated, they started working through a list of things. Ivy listened and tried to absorb as much as possible. She asked only a few questions when she felt she needed to, to make sense of what they were talking about. She didn't question anything, it wasn't her place. Not that there was much to question, this setting was rather similar to how councils were held in Astoria. She had joined her father there several times.

«And then we have the proposal to change the law of marriage,» the leader of the council said.

Ivy instantly looked toward Seonghwa, before looking back to the leader. Seonghwa didn't show what he felt or thought.

«Has everyone read through the final proposal? Good. This is the result of our talks over many, many months, and I am happy to say that we are finally ready. Your majesty, will you do the honors?»

«Thank you, sir, I will.» Seonghwa rose up and did what the leader of the council usually did for the smaller things. Now it was a big one. «All in favor of approving the change in our law of marriage, to allow same-sex marriage to every single person in Choi, no matter their standing, raise your hand.»

Ivy looked around the table and saw how all the hands came up, one by one. She looked to Seonghwa who finally looked at her as he too raised his hand.

«Unanimously we say yes. Thank you all very much, as you know this was a personally very important matter to me. I thank you all very much for seeing that the future looks different than the past. Let's make this a happy day for Choi. I know it is for me.»

Seonghwa had looked around his council as he spoke, and he ended up looking at Ivy. She had tears on her cheeks and a small smile in the corner of her mouth. She didn't speak, it wasn't the time for that now, but her eyes sparkled. It felt good, to have done the right thing.

She walked behind him in silence back to the library where she spent so much time. He had started to join her there when he could. A servant came to offer refreshments, and the king simply asked for tea, for both of them. He didn't look at Ivy until they were alone. She had sat down, but she was looking at him.

«Are you okay, princess?» he asked when he saw tears again.

«I'm just happy, your majesty.»

«Why are you happy, your highness?»

«You know why,» she said, smiling. He had to smile too.

«The new law of marriage.»

«Yes. You did this for your brother?»

«I suppose I did,» he said, not looking her in the eye. He sat down, facing the fireplace. «And for you.»

«For me?»

«Your beloved brothers are married to men, both of them. I suspect this is a very personal matter to you.»

«It is.»

«In fact, it was pretty much the first thing we ever spoke about.»

«I remember,» she chuckled. «Not very sophisticated of me, but...» She shrugged, still looking at him. «Well, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Is this why you came chasing after us to Astoria?»

«I...» He stopped himself. He had promised to never lie to her. «Yes, it is. Partially.»

She waited, giving him the choice of either keep talking or not. He didn't say anything more about the subject.

«Oh, I can't wait for our wedding!» Ivy proclaimed, clapping her hands a little. «They will all feel welcome, not just by us but by all of Choi.»

«I hope so.»

«You'll write to tell him?»

«Could we write together?» he asked.

«Yes, I would love that,» Ivy smiled. She stood up and got her writing equipment from the desk by the window.

«Right now?»

«Yes! This is wonderful news!»

«Alright,» he smiled, her joy made the whole room brighter.

He watched her write a sincere, not-too-long letter. She looked at him every now and then for confirmation, and he nodded.

«To our beloved brother and brother-in-law Hyunjin and Felix,

Today we sit together in front of the fire in the library, happiness filling our hearts. Today the royal council has unanimously voted to accept a new law of marriage. As of today, same-sex marriage is allowed between every single person in Choi, no matter their standing. The king started working on this law directly after visiting Astoria, seeing with his own eyes the happiness evident in the people he met there. He tells me he wanted you to be able to live happily in Choi. We both understand you might choose to stay in Astoria, but know, you are always welcome here with us. You always were.

We look forward to seeing you at our wedding.

Love, your brother and sister-in-law, Seonghwa and Ivy.»

Seonghwa finally wrote with his own hands a few lines at the bottom.

«Jin, please forgive me for being too late. I miss you, Choi is not the same without you. Hwa.»

He closed the letter up but didn't hide what he had written. He knew this was a side of him she hadn't seen. Right now he didn't feel like the king. He was a man missing his youngest brother.

Minho came back from visiting his fiancé that evening and joined Ivy and Seonghwa at dinner.

«I hear rumors we have a new law of marriage today, my king?»

«Don't tell me you're gonna marry a man too?»

Minho chuckled. «No, I'll stick with Vivi, but I welcome this news of course.»

«For Hyunjin,» the king said, not looking at his brother.

«Yes, for Hyunjin and Felix. The only scandal now is that he married a servant.»

Seonghwa scoffed, but Ivy giggled and looked at Minho. She loved seeing more of their relationship. The brothers had grown up to be close as their parents passed early. Seonghwa had only been 16, Minho 14, and Hyunjin only 9 years old at the time.

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