[Chapter 1]: New Teacher!

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Waking up in a slight annoyed panic, I hurriedly press the off button on my alarm clock, my annoyed expression turning into an ecstatic grin. The day I get a new teacher and class! Ever since the monsters were freed, all the humans started to use magic again! And now we get a teacher who can teach us how to do that! "So cool!" I thought as I hurriedly got dressed in a F/C dress and a pink bow placed upon my head. Just as I was about to walk out my bedroom door, my mother came in to try and wake me up
"Y/N it's time for sch- Oh! You are already ready and dressed! Come on now, breakfast is ready and we have no time to waste!"
I smile as I nod, I was usually the one to talk, but I really was so excited that I couldn't talk without risking blaming all of the words out at once!

After eating breakfast, my mom immediately started to drag me into the car, quickly jumping in and giving me little time to buckle my seat belt as we drove off.... "Why was she so excited?... oh well." After a small time of silence, we quickly got there as she dropped me off, kissing my head as she said*
"Hey, hope you have fun. Maybe you'll know magic and be able to cast spells! Oh well, have a good time a school!"
She stated excitingly as she drove off, I smiled. I always liked her hyper and excitable personality, after all its what I got my extrovertedness from! Skipping through the halls, I hold my breath in anticipation as I go into a classroom and see.... a goat? I tilt my head as I walk towards the monster..... and pet it*
The goat monster says as she smiles, In a motherly, caring way.
"You must be Y/N! I've heard a lot about you from your mother!"
I smile as I shake my head slightly, "Of course she talks about me a lot, she usually does! She is a wonderful mom."  I smile again as I go to my seat, waiting until I finally hear the familliar stampede of footsteps signaling the beginning of class. When everyone sits down, the goat monster seems to introduce herself as "Toriel". Eventually she starts talking about "Soul traits" and how they start talking about the 7 different types of human souls and what all the colours mean. "I wonder what colour I have?" I thought with excitement as all the other kids started to have their souls shown, being super pumped about being whatever trait, until finally... at long last... I get to see mine! After coming up to the front and letting her look at my soul, I see. . . Nothing, only a gray outline of a soul. Toriel has a look of immense concern and slight horror at the empty, traitless soul. My face full of panic as I start to hyperventilate
"Put it away put it away!"
I yell in a mixture of shape and panic as toriel quickly shoves it back, coming over and holding me*
"Shhhh, shhhh. It will be okay, you are okay. We will find out what it means alright?" She says with a smile on her face as I start to calm down
I ask in hope as she nods
"We can go to Dr. Gaster after school and have him tell you, alright?"
The day goes by...My mind still running with possibilities, none of them are good..
"What if I'll never get a trait!?"
"What if I'm broken?!"
"What if I'm sick?!?!"
These thoughts running through my head as my stomach does flips on itself, my anxiety shooting up for every second without an answer... until finally the last class is over. Running out the door, I go and practically jump in my mother's arms. She starts to calm me down, taking a while until I finally start to breathe normally. . . After Toriel talks  to my mother for a while.l, she agrees to let Toriel take me to Dr. Gaster to have some tests done.
"Aren't you excited to find out what soul type you will be?"
Toriel asks with a smile
"Yeah I guess..."
I say with a relived sigh, the rest of the car ride being ridden in slightly amicable silence, until we get to a gray building. Walking out of the car, I wait for the door to open as Toriel knocks on the door, until finally a large skeleton wearing a black turtleneck sweater comes into view, raising an.... eyebrow? At the sight of a child and Toriel at the door. Going in, I look around as Toriel explains what happened to Dr. Gaster, seeing cool looking machines and odd looking vials, one interesting one being a ack vial of.... something or other... next to a vial of red stuff... odd. Snapping out of my trance, I see Dr. Gaster staring at me curiously... Until he looks at my soul? Toriel immediately scolds him as I go and reassure her, to little effect.... After a couple hours of poking, proving, scanning, sketching and reading... He pulls Toriel into the other room to talk in private.... That's when I see
A pink blob?

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