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Biding my time
As I might not have much left
Indiscretion haunting me
I draw in sharper breath
Not so soon Did I suspect

I'd be trying to grapple with my potential death

Guess I should have seen it coming
I have always been cursed
And no it's not fair
I never made it there
But she's fine
So I guess I'll be ok

What's another day
When it all may fall apart

When the next time I wake
I may instead just meet the dark
Oh illness

Oh death
I pray of thee
Not to take me yet

I am hers
And she is mine

And it's not fair that I'm running of time

Oh death

Please pass over me
Don't take me off so soon
Being with her is my destiny

I want her
I love her

I need her in my life
I don't wanna die

I've told her
I'll be strong
But I know it's just a lie

And I'll be here.
I don't know if I will survive.

But thanks to her

I can feel I'm worth
So much



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