Love & Monsters

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The windows of Elton's flat exploded inwards, waking him with a start.

"And I was stuck in bed, right, cos' there's glass everywhere! And I was barefoot! I had to invent a rudimentary pulley system just to reach my boots! And by the time I'd done that..."


Elton looked out of his broken bedroom window to see the Sycorax spaceship loom ominously over London.

"And that's when it all started happening. That's how I met Ursula. That's how I met Victor Kennedy. That's how I met Jackie Tyler. And that's how I finally met the Doctor and the Artist, and realised the truth." Elton tailed off, deep in thought.


Next morning, Elton resumed his vlog. "Um, I should say, this isn't, ya know, my whole life. It's not all spaceships and stuff, cos' I'm into all sorts of things. Um, I like football... I like a drink... I like Spain, and if there's one thing I really, really love... then it's Jeff Lynne and the Electric Light Orchestra. Cos' ya can't beat a bit of ELO." He then put on Mr Blue Sky and danced around the room to it, before resuming his vlog. "So, great big spaceship hanging over London, imagine the theories."


Elton was busy typing on his computer.

"The internet went into meltdown."


Elton jumped back as his PC sparked out.

"But I kept on digging. Something was going on, ohhh yes! And then one day, on some obscure little blog by someone called Ursula Blake, it was like a chance in a million."


Elton was surfing the internet on his new PC when he found a website called 'My invasion blog'. On the main page was a large photo of the man in the brown suit and the brunette woman standing in the snow on Christmas Day, their arms wrapped round each other.

"It was them. It was that man and woman again, but the photo was new. It was taken on Christmas Day but Christmas just gone. And they looked exactly the same."


Elton was sat on a park bench with a bespectacled brunette woman, Ursula Blake. "His name is the Doctor." she told Elton, "I don't know her name."

"Doctor what?" Elton asked.

"That's all anybody knows." Ursula replied, "But Christmas Day I was taking photos all over the place. I went mad with it all, spaceships and lasers and everything. We all went to Trafalgar Square that night, cos' everyone was celebrating, just being alive. And I snapped 'em in passing, that's all. They were just some bloke and his girlfriend. I didn't realise they were significant, until Mr Skinner pointed it out."

"Who's Mr Skinner?"

"Oh, there's a few of us." Ursula smiled, "The inner sanctum, all studying the Doctor and that woman."

Elton scooted closer to her. "I've seen them, the Doctor and that woman, I swear to you. I saw 'em when I was a kid. They were in my house, and they were downstairs."

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