"Ava! Ava?"

I put the phone back to my ear, "Yeah?"

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

I'm caught off guard by this. Up to this point we just sort of went with things we didn't plan ahead.

"Oh I had thought I would spend the day at the water. I've seen all the big items on my list and it's my last full day so I figured I would just relax on the shoreline. A lazy day at the beach."


"Your more then welcome to join me if you don't have to work"

"I have the day off." I hear him pause and breathe into the phone like he just took a deep breath.

"Harry I need you" Can be heard in the background of the phone.
At this my eyebrows shot up because that was definitely a woman.

"One second" he shouts so it's loud but he turns away from the phone.

His voice is in my ear again when he says,

"I have the day off tomorrow and am going to drive to visit some old friends and spend the day with their family. Would you want to join me?"

Before I can form an answer he continues, "It's fine if you don't want to it is your last day and all and you would probably have a lovely time at the beach and we would be going inland so not at all what you had in mind-"

"Harry" I say cutting him off the silence between us interrupted by a lot of noise in the background on his end. But on the phone it's just him and I.

"I'd love to join you tomorrow." I can't hide the full smile as I think about spending the day with Harry and his friends.

"You would?"


"Splendid. I can give you the details this afternoon."

A loud clear man's voice called out 'Harold!'

"I gotta go, see you soon"

"See you soon," I say, hanging up the phone. I hope I didn't get him in trouble.

I get dressed and ready for the day in jean shorts and a red boatneck top. Simple and casual. I clipped my hair up to tame it. I made my way down the three flights of stairs to see Sofia. She had been insisting I share a cup of cappuccino with her in the mornings so I could fill her in on my plans. I really enjoyed spending time with her, listening to her stories and hearing her insights. When I emerged from the stairwell I saw Sofia sitting behind the desk with a young dark haired girl. They were talking in rapid Italian, and the only time they would stop was to burst into fits of giggles.

"Buon giorno" I greeted them with a smile.

"It's very nearly noon!" Sofia informed me. "Andrea, this is who I was telling you about, Ava. Ava, this is my niece Andrea."

Andrea and I greet each other with warm smiles.

"I love your top." Andrea says to me.

"Thank you, I love your aunt!" We all laugh at this. "She has been one of my favorite things about Italy."

"I would think I'm your second favorite person in Italy" She winked at me. I only roll my eyes and shake my head at her, while Andrea just looks back and forth between us but I don't take the bait. When I don't respond Sofia continues,

"Speaking of Harry-"

"No one was speaking of Harry, you just brought him up!"

Andrea's face goes wide and she laughs

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