Deacon Frost

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Halloween night, aside from Christmas the best night of the year in your opinion even if it did mean people didn't take your dark side seriously. One of your favorite spots to visit was Deacon's penthouse, hopefully it wouldn't be to crowded.

"Password." "Quinn I'm surprised to see you down here thought you of all people would be up there partying." Quinn for once grimaced. "Deac ain't holding one this year he's spent the past few days pacing his room, only people allowed up there are ones he sent a password to."

Quickly you checked your phone hoping you were one of the few. "I know this much girlie he didn't send one to you something about you already know it." Great a riddle, Deacon's up there doing who knows what and your down here with a riddle.

"As stupid as this password could be it's worth a shot, I'll tell ya what we are sista we're the top of the fucking food chain." Without a word Quinn moved to the side letting you in. "When ya see him tell Deac we're worried about him. In all honesty your the only one he wanted to visit."

You nodded and rushed upstairs to his room and knocked on the door. "QUINN HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I FUCKING TOLD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Damn he sounded pissed "Babe it's me."

Silence until you heard running and the door unlocking. "(Y,n) it is you." You stared into Deacon's eyes they looked tired like he hasn't slept in days, hell he probably hasn't.

Without even thinking you hugged him tight, you had never seen him like this and it hurt after all he was your mate at least that's what the blonde bitch that usually stayed around told you.

Bless his heart Deacon let you hug him and you doubted he had the strength to hug back. For what seemed like hours you both stood there in an embrace. "What are you doing up here alone? This isn't like you."

Deacon moved his head beckoning you to follow him. The two of you then sat on his bed "Wanted to be alone." You hugged him again this time he hugged back with his head in the crook of your neck.

You soothed his back and laid down with him, Deacon was one of the strongest people you knew it takes a lot to break him down, something must've happened. "What straw broke the camel's back?"

"Thought of losing you." "I believe you for the most part but your not being completely honest with me." He sighed making slight moisture form on your shoulder. "Recieved a letter from you know who that basically said if I'm not careful..."

You pulled him closer "Don't worry about him, he's just jealous you have something he doesn't." "A brain?" "Haha that to, I was talking about someone who will stick by his side throughout everything. A mate who cares, loves and wants nothing but for him to be happy."

A part of you enjoyed Deacon being vulnerable he never was, well at least not to this extent he did allow himself to break down his walls around you sometimes. But the other part hated it you didn't know the entirety of his pain but due to the bond you had a good taste of it so to speak.

Maybe you are his mate after all. All you knew is that you love him, crazy and all. "How bout tomorrow night, after you get some sleep, we spend the night together just us doing whatever the hell you want."

"Sounds good." You played with his hair and scratched his back until he fell asleep in your arms. "Get some rest."

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