OS- Understanding his brother

Start from the beginning

What a simple story of infatuation. How all of them made it complicated. Who better than him knows that the dare devil Virat was hell nervous in front of girls and how Virat never have a friend who is a girl all thanks to their boy school and college. He cursed himself for not trusting his Shiva and not letting him say this simple story of his.

I came back to Nagpur for your wedding. I was very happy that you were moving on after Ragini. I have seen you broken after that incident. On the day of your Sangeet I met Patralekha again as your bride. trust me Jiva I forgot her already. She pleaded with me to cancel this wedding but I couldn't. I couldn't see you heart broken once again. I couldn't imagine hurting you so I pleaded with her back to marry my you. I told her I can never ever marry her as I see her as my brother's bride from that time. She refused to marry and threatened to break the wedding. I was afraid for you and our family's reputation so I did the biggest mistake of my life. I promised her that I will not let any girl come into my life. At the night of your wedding I got a call about Sai's abduction by Jagat and I left from there. Now I know I have made a mistake,  I should have allowed her to break the marriage and tell you everything then and there.  I understand how broken you were after thinking that I betrayed you how much pain you are after causing pain to me. Trust me Jiva please trust me that after your marriage I think of her as only my Vahini, my brother's wife, and a good friend.

Samrat remembered that till the Sangeet Patralekha was fine but after the Sangeet how she behaved oddly. How did Virat left the day after getting call. How he was tensed about Sai's wellbeing the whole day and how he teased Virat about who is the girl he is thinking about. He really felt miserable for misbehaving with Virat and misunderstanding his brother

I married Sai in an unavoidable situation. Her only gurdian her father was dead and her life was in danger. She was my responsibility. Her father died to save my life so I couldn't leave her in her condition. I married her and vowed to make his dream of making his daughter a doctor true. She was my responsibility but not anymore.

He always thought why Virat married Sai. And why Sai agreed to marry him after knowing all these. He understood what his sensitive brother felt that time when Sai's father died to save his life. When he was forced to marry and how he fought with this family for Sai's education. Samrat very well know his Bhabani mami's stand for education of girls specially education of daughters-in-law. He understood how much burden Virat felt at that time. Nobody knew Virat better than him. he understood when his brother needed him most he was not there but somewhere else brooding over his own misunderstanding. He said in mind I am sorry Shiva.

Jiva I love Sai. I love Sai from the core of my heart. She is my whole world. Only Sunny and Mohit knew and I confessed it to Sai. Nobody else knows this. I had to tell you as I always share everything with you so how can I not tell the most important aspect of my life. 

Samrat nodded his head. Yes Virat always told him everything. He is happy for his Shiva that he finally find his true love.

But yaar she don't want me to be with her. You also don't want to see my face. I hurt two of the most important people in my life. I am really unlucky. I hate myself for this. I am leaving for a secret mission. I don't know I will ever return or not

Samrat couldn't hold his tears anymore. Tears fell freely from his mind realizing how much his brother is hurt by his behavior and he also panicked as he understood his Shiva went to a suicidal mission. He cursed himself and his brother you idiot how you think that I and Sai don't want you in our life. We both love you idiot. Let me find you then I will beat you for endangering your life.) 

My last request to you Jiva. Please look after my Sai. She respect you like a brother please take care of her. I am leaving papers related to her and her bank details in my locker. Password is same as you know. Please help her to be a doctor. 

Love you Jiva



Samrat broke down completely. He faced that he again lost everything. He has been orphaned again. He promised himself he will go to any length to find his brother and bring him back. He will ask forgiveness if needed will beg forgiveness from his Shiva. But he will make everything all right. After making his mind he pulled his cell to use all his connections to find his brother.

 (Italic letter and bold part are Samrat's thought.)

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