"Well don't the mother-daughter duo look beautiful" Her stepfather said from behind her

Gina turned around and smiled at the man. "oh to-san you're matching with ka-san today" she said with a smile seeing the couple's matching midnight blue outfits

Her mother was in a floor-length midnight blue dress and her stepfather in a midnight blue suit with a off-white shirt, an almost similar colour to what Gina was wearing. "Alright let's go then" her stepfather said and Gine smiled nodding, following her mother and stepfather outside

Gina passed polite smiles to the men and women around as they walked through the large backyard of the Tatsuhito mansion. Gina fought the grimace that wanted to settle deep onto her features. She knew she had to be polite but the small talk was agonizing to her, especially since the only topic everyone wanted to talk about was either Kōhei or if she was going to be the heir of the Nakamoto empire or not. It was even more painful to talk to the girls her age who just wanted to know about Ryo and Kōhei(but then again she can't blame them. A lot of these girls might have to end up marrying older men in the future at their father's whim).

It took some time but Haru eventually managed to escape the throngs of guests and finally made it to the host of the party who was sitting at his own personal table, overlooking all the guests with cushions and just a very comfortable looking place to sit. "You look like you've been through hell Gina-chan, the party has barely even started" Ryu said with an amused grin, wine glass in hand, speaking in a polished calculated tone all these rich people used

He wore what looked like a modernized version of a yukata. It looked good. "rich people shit isn't for me Ryu-san" Gina said with a sigh and Ryu picked up another glass of wine off a tray a butler going passed them was carrying and handed it to her

"You'll get used to it eventually Gigi" Ryu said now using the voice he used to talk to his friends, a more comfortable and familiar tone with her and gestured for her to sit next to him

Sitting down, Gina rolled her head to ease the knot settling deep between her shoulders and burrowed her stiff spine against the cushions, smoothing out her skirt. "I almost didn't invite Amagai and his son" Ryu said after taking a sip of his wine

Gina rolled her eyes and almost gulped down the entire glass but stopped at the sight of her mother giving her a glare from across the garden where she was talking to some other ladies and put the glass down. Gina sighed, relishing the taste of the liquor on her tongue and the light burn at the back of her throat, as she watched over the party in the Gardens - she could pick out the pretty little wooden platforms that had been lit up with paper lanterns, filled with guests, food and wine. "What did you mean about what you said on Monday?" Gina asked Ryu

Just before Ryu could answer her question they both heard someone clear their throat. Genji Takiya, the current leader of Ryusei yakuza, one of the oldest around other than Kuryu. But what Gina was more interested in was Genji's Suzuran Alumni status. Oh, she really wanted to hear about what Suzuran was like back then especially since Todoroki told her about Fujio's interest in fighting one of the faction leaders. Gina noticed the woman standing next to him in a form-fitting silk black dress and long dark brown hair. "Senpai," Ryu said in a tone of almost amusement, standing up and shaking hands with the other yakuza leader "I see you've finally brought your wife"

"Senpai?" Gina repeated Ryu's words in confusion

"Did I not tell you I also went to Suzuran, Gina-chan?" Ryu said as the two newcomers sat down as well, Genji next to Ryu and the woman next to her

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