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BOOM!! A loud noise woke up Makisig from his sound sleep. It was a very peaceful night when he was awakened by the sound of the loud thunder. The next thing he notices is a fire at his barn, which has been struck by lightning. Now that explains the loud thunder. He quickly rose up and said, "Holy Molly! My goats!" He rushed to his barn to assist with the damage. As he drew closer, he could feel the intense heat coming from the burning barn. Then suddenly, he notices a human-like figure from the burning barn. It's walking calmly as if the heat doesn't affect it. "What is that thing?" he said to himself while grabbing a pickaxe.

The figure is walking towards his direction

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The figure is walking towards his direction. As it gets closer to him, it becomes clearer that it is not a human. It has two large horns with burning eyes, and as it breathes, smoke comes out of its nose. Makisig feels so anxious, he can't move an inch from where he is standing. "Am I dreaming?" he thought to himself.

"Ahh!!" "That damn goddess, his power really hurts," the creature mumbled as he walked closer to Makisig

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"Ahh!!" "That damn goddess, his power really hurts," the creature mumbled as he walked closer to Makisig. "Hey human, I need your soul," said the creature with a smirk on its face. He then grabbed Makisig's head with his huge hand, wounding Makisig's head with its sharp claws. Then suddenly, Makisig hit him with the pickaxe in his neck. However, the pickaxe broke; it shattered into pieces for his neck is as hard as steel.

"Mmm. Your soul tastes good. Not bad for a human like you. "Hahaha!" he said while slowly absorbing Makisig's soul. Makisig was losing consciousness when a bright light suddenly appeared up above the creature and hit him with a very strong pressure of light. "Ahhhhh!! Damn you! ahhhh! "a painful scream by the creature. As the pressure of light continues to hit him, his hard scales are slowly melting and one of his horns is slowly crumbling. "Stop it! Stop it!! "Ahhh!" he screamed loudly and dropped Makisig to the ground.
Then a force field surrounds Makisig's body so he will not get hit by the pressure of light. As for the creature, he summoned his santilmo to create a force field around him, but the santilmo also melted under the pressure of light. It was so strong that even the ground around him was melting.

Then the bright light said, " Grison, curse you, how dare you harm my sister. I'm gonna reduce you into ashes!! My father is so furious that he gave me a permission to eradicate you!

Grison then open a portal beneath him so he can escape.

Swooossshh.. " I'll be back, princess, and I will kill you all!" Grison said as he slowly vanished through the portal.

Makisig lifeless body lying on the ground. Makiling then approach his body and give breath to it and said, "Oh poor soul, I give you another chance to live, but now you must live according to my purpose, I give you a portion of my spirit that I may live in you, and give you a new life. Abide in me poor soul so you may live". Makiling then took a portion of her spirit and put it on Makisig nose. Makisig body now breath again.

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