Meeting The Monkey King

Start from the beginning

I guess at the mention of their King they grew excited and nodded their heads eagerly.

"Can you please take me too him? I need to speak to him."

They all nodded and with their help I was a able to stand up. I kept my hand on the injury as one of the monkeys grabbed my hand and led me to where the Monkey King was. I looked around the place and saw more and more monkeys and luscious plants and vegetation. I looked down at the monkeys and saw that we had more in our little group and though it was painful to do so, I chuckled at the scene. It looked like I had a small splatoon of monkeys protecting me.

I was finally lead to a giant waterfall as the monkeys jumped on the rocks near by. I took careful steps as we made it to the front of the waterfall. I remembered Tang said that the Monkeg King lived behind the waterfall. I pointed to the waterfall.

"So he's in there?"

I asked the monkeys as they nodded yes. But I looked at the waterfall and wondered how the hell was I going to get through and it was as like the monkeys read my mind and called to the others to help with the situation.

And not a second after the monkeys made the waterfall cut in two and inside was another opening. Taking my hand they lead me inside the waterfall curtain cave. We did have to stop a few times due to my injuries but overall we made good time.

As we made it through the waterfall we stepped into, what looked like a temple of sorts but what caught my eye was the giant mural. I inspected it a little closer and noticed that it was Monkey King and his companions during the Journey To The West.

The little monkeys pulled on my pants leg trying to gain my attention. I looked down and saw that they were pointing to an big opening to the right of the mural. I started walking but I felt the pain hit me like a brick once more so I fell to my knees. All the monkeys that cane with me cooed in concern. I took a deep breath and waved my hand and smiled to let them know I was ok, just so they wouldn't have to worry.

As I got up I used the walls as support as we walked on through and that was until I heard a familiar voice.

"What? Wait..what? That was you?!"

I felt my heart beat fast as I heard my little brothers voice. I forced myself to quicken my pace even though the monkeys tried to get me to slow down. Finally reaching the end, I yelled out.


I saw Mk turn to me and had a look of shock and then it turned to the look of utter fear.


I felt big tears fall down my face as I gave a look of pure relief. He was ok. Oh Buddha he was ok. I fell onto my knees as my body couldn't handle the pain anymore but I didn't faint yet.

I saw Mk run towards me ready to catch me. However, just before he could, a swoosh went by me and I was suddenly in the arms of who I thought was Mk. Looking up I saw another monkey who was holding me in his arms but this monkey, had orange fur, unlike the other white monkeys, and golden colored eyes that were looking down at me.

And for the life of me, I couldn't figure why he looked familiar. Regardless, he looked worried and then turned around towards Mk as Mk rushed towards us rambling.

"Y/n! What are you doing here! Buddha! You're hurt!"

"I'm ok, Mk. Aghh...."

The Monkey suddenly quickly placed me down gently, on some cushion on the floor. I held onto my side since it still hurt.

"Um.. thank you."

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