He miscalculated things.

His daughters -that he didn't care, were under the custody of Vaemond and Corlys. Rhaenys didn't leave Alicent's side even for a second, held her during her final meltdown, calmed her down, assured her that things will be alright, held her hand while the Maester took care of the cut, and helped her to put the kids to their beds. Aemond played strong but Helaena was crying and Aegon refused to speak -much to everyone's surprise. And Criston -the other candidate Daemon would love to blame, never left the Queen's door.

Laenor was with Qarl, and Lyonel was with Harwin. Viserys died all alone, he begged for help but his whispers never reached the guards outside of his door. He died in pain, as miserable as he could be. And everybody was sure that he would not meet with Aemma anytime soon.

The funeral was rushed. They sail from Driftmark to King's Landing in hurry, the Silent Sisters prepared his body and Rhaenys took the duty to burn him with Meleys.

Rhaenyra was too busy panicking and Daemon was too busy plotting.

She knew she had to press her claim soon enough and take the crown or else Alicent would crown Aegon but who would support her? House Strong and House Velaryon and who else? Alicent had four kids to betroth meanwhile Rhaenyra had two and a baby. One look from Rhaenys and she knew they would not support her claim to oppose Aegon's. They were tired of her, and unlike her, they were aware of the danger named Daemon. The chosen heir or not, Rhaenyra would bring doom to House Targaryen if she would let Daemon take another step in her direction and neither Rhaenys nor Corlys was ambitious enough to let that happen.

But of course, they would not support Aegon because blood or not those kids were still their grandsons. But if things would come to that point, Corlys knew that deep down, Otto was a man he could work with. Daemon was not and he proved it well enough in the Stepstones. And the emotional abuse and isolation their daughter had to endure just because she married this man was enough for them to turn an eye to Rhaenyra's kids.

Starks were too far away, Lady Arryn would support Rhaenyra but only because she had to not because she would want that. Borros Baratheon would lay his whole army to Aegon's feet the moment he claims to make one of her daughters the queen. House Tully and House Tyrell would support Aegon against anyone and so does House Lannister.

Rhaenyra never felt more alone in the world, without any friends or allies because everybody turned their back on her. The path she had chosen was forcing her to fight for a crown she did not want but making peace with Alicent seemed harder than joining the Dorne to the fold.

"He will try to kill us all.", Alicent murmured in her chambers that night. They had just burned Viserys and she took some calming tea and now was sitting in front of the flames. "My father isn't here, we are open to any danger."

"Ser Otto might not be here yet but he is on his way, my queen. He is returning home alongside Prince Daeron. No one can dare to hurt them."

"They are the perfect target for Daemon Targaryen.", she said without blinking. "His dragon is still too young as he is. He cannot protect them and-"

"Do not fear, my queen.", Criston approached her more than he should and kneeled in front of her. "Alicent,", he whispered while holding her hands. "I will protect you and the children and your father would rather die than see Daeron hurt."

"You can't protect us.", she pulled her hands to herself. "No one can protect anyone."

"I can.", Criston said with determination, looking directly into her eyes. "Rhaenyra might be a lot of things but not an idiot. She will realize the danger she brought in and will stop it."

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