Bamboozle-Man: The Guardians of Halloween

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(We open in Sunken Town, the forgotten dilapidated part of Fiction City that serves as home to every kind of shady character of the magic world you could find. Though unlike your last visit here, it's more populated than usual. For starters, since Bamboozle-Man's first initial trip down there, people have been drawn to the seedy underbelly of the Secret City more than usual. But most importantly for this tale, it was a special night. All Hallow's Eve. Halloween Night. For us, Halloween is a night of fun, tricks, treats, and games. But for the magical world, Halloween meant two things. Danger...and business. All manner of magical creatures roamed the streets of Sunken Town, dimly lit by the warm orange lights of the lamps floating overhead, accompanied by a crow that most people had no idea got down there. The smell of wet cobblestone mixed in the air along with the scents of all sorts of concoctions and mystical ingredients that people were on the prowl for this Halloween. Some for good honest fun that the Order would call "dangerous" or "irresponsible". Pfft. What do they know anyway? Their boss is the one whose....I'll leave that for another story. As for now, this story takes us into the bar known as the Dive which was run by the kingpin of the magic underworld. Puck Goodings. Puck was busy in their office, a small domestic space baked in neon lights coming from the various glowing orbs that had been set in place on the ceiling, making sure the vendors in the Halloween market were paying their dues and only selling the product that was allowed in Sunken Town.)

Puck: How many times do I have to tell you this? No love potions are allowed on my turf! I swear if I have to have this conversation with you again, I won't just take your name. I'll take your life!

(The fey crime lord screamed into their desktop cradle phone, completely unaware of the man who had just walked into his bar down below. Coming in from the Halloween Market was a 4'2 imp with dark green skin, orange jester's shoes with curved ends with golden bells in the shape of pumpkins, purple trousers, black leather knee and elbow guards which were also in the shapes of pumpkins, black fingerless gloves, an orange vest with a purple shirt underneath, and pointy ears which poked out from the dingy brown aviator's cap with two devil horns that sat atop his head. The few patrons that were sober enough to clock the small creature knew to stay clear of them. Especially tonight. Though one poor soul, a large hairy werewolf with a potbelly and ponytail, bumped into the imp while talking with a friend, a creature that looked as if it were from the Black Lagoon.)

Werewolf: Watch it, pipsqueak!

(The sober patrons gasped and oohed in unison as they made sure to move away as subtly as possible but still staying within line of sight so they could see how this all panned out. The imp said nothing as it sized the werewolf up)

Werewolf: What? Hard of hearing? I'm surprised, with those ears you should be able to hear me bangin yer mom! High five!

(The werewolf turned to their friend but saw that they had backed up a considerable amount.)

Werewolf: Dude, what the hell? You're supposed to high five me when I drop sick burns like that!

Friend: Don't you know who that is?

Werewolf: No. Why should I? It's just a little im-

(The werewolf turned around only to see the imp, now floating at his eye level, with two small pumpkins in his hands and a sour look on his face)

Werewolf: Whaddya gonna do with those? Shove 'em in my eyes?

(The imp looked down at the pumpkins and smirked)

???: You know I was thinking about shoving these in your listening holes after that crack about my ears, but the eyes sound better. And here I thought you lacked imagination.

Werewolf: Wha-GAAAAAAAHGK!

(The imp quickly stabbed the pumpkins into the werewolf's eyes stem first, blinding him and causing him to drop his drink and scream in pain on the floor. Several patrons got up and left in a hurry while a few chuckled and went back to their business. The werewolf's friend dropped to their knees and began to beg for their safety.)

Bamboozle-Man: The Guardians of HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now