𝟏. 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝.

18 3 0

CW: Recurrent mention of the word "Blood". Explicit description of several violent scenes.


"God kills indiscriminately and so do we. For no creature of God is like us. None is so much like Him as we are."

Tom Cruise


The taste of blood flooded my mouth. Making it become my main addiction. To that vice that reminds me that I am no longer human. A human I stopped being years ago.

It was already the twentieth rat of the night. The animal squealed in my hands and scratched me trying to escape death. I sucked for a couple of seconds, until the rat's gasps became fainter and faded away, leaving me helpless. In those catacombs covered with the essence of death.

By the time I cleaned my mouth with traces of blood, I noticed the scene I was surrounded by, with the corpses of those creatures, which were now skin and bones. I am disgusted, but I can't do anything about it; blood is the water I require.

I am Draco Malfoy, a vampire for as long as I can remember, and at the same time the best wizard of my generation.

The worst part of this tragicomedy is that this little description is only the tip of the iceberg of the misfortunes I have experienced.

Look, I am writing this for him and for the psychologist, who insists that this is the best way to free me from everything that worries me in life.

I reluctantly agreed, because I don't want to be given those pills again that take away my sleep at night (and for MY wand, it's been years since I lost it).

I've never been good at writing, actually, this is the first time I've been faced with writing something on these muggle machines. When you study magic for your whole life, if you want to deepen your learning literature is transcendental.

I don't remember doing a written report, instead the teachers were satisfied that we had decent penmanship, clear pronunciation and could read. Nothing else.

I always liked to read because I was a weirdo. It's something that comes from birth.

Anyway, as my fingers move fast over the keyboard and I type words that make sense right now, I continue to think of several of the torments. Of the moments when I hit rock bottom.

A story has a beginning, a development, and an ending.

So, I'm going to start with that.


It was a rainy day, one of those days when you can't sleep because you hear the water hitting the roof with worrying force.

Rainy days are my favorite, now that I'm an adult in my 30', but when I was five, it was a complete torture.

I remember that night very well— how could I not? — because my life took a total turn that ended up taking away my innocence.

My parents decided to go out and leave me in charge with a babysitter (who was supposed to be efficient); the girl was young and unexperienced; however, my parents liked her and after a chat, I was with this stranger in my house. Which was the safest place in the world.

Since I was crying so hard, the babysitter had to read me a story so that I could sleep, even though I wasn't doing my part. I ended up getting sleepy after all that crying, so the young lady thought it best to stay with me until I fell asleep.

The Bleeding Bite_ Drarry_ Three-shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin