2. I Love You Too Much For That

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TW: Abuse

"I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU, WILLIAM! YOU'RE WITH A FUCKING MAN?" Neil Hargrove screamed at his son after he walked into the room to see his son Billy making out with Steve Harrington. Billy hung his head slightly shaking, his hair covered his pretty, glistening eyed.

Steve laid on his bed, horrified. Not knowing if he should run or stay with billy. He wanted to stay with Billy, he knew the boys dad could get violent and he didn't want Billy to get hurt. He hated seeing Billy like that, he hated seeing his head bent where you can't see those pretty eyes, he hated seeing him upset when he was just laughing and smiling.

"LOOK AT ME, FAGGOT!" Neil screamed grabbing Billy by his throat and slamming him against the wall. Steve sighed and jumped from Billy's bed. Billy mouthed no to him, trying to get him to stay put but he couldn't. Neil slapped Billy and Steve let out a yelp covering his mouth as Neil turned to him. Letting Billy fall to the ground. "LEAVE YOU FUCKING, WHORE, TURNING MY SON INTO A FUCKING FAG!" Neil yelled. "I'm not leaving without Billy," Steve said his voice shaky. "WHY SO YOU CAN FUCK HIM AND TURN HIM INTO A LITTLE FAG," Neil asked. Steve felt tears prick his eyes but he ignored them.

Billy stood up, he wasn't going to let his father call his love a whore or a fag. He hated the look of hurt on Steve's face. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM, NEIL!" Billy yelled. "Steve, leave." "Billy! No!" Steve said. "I said, go!" Billy said. "But-" "Steve, you better go before I beat your fucking ass!" Billy yelled.

He hated it. He hated yelling and threatening Steve. He hated the look of hurt and betrayal in his eyes, the tears filling them. He hated how proud Neil looked. Steve sniffled and it broke Billy's heart as the boy pushed passed him looking at him once with a pissed look of betrayal.

Billy sighed when Steve was gone, he wanted Neil to leave so he can chase after Steve and apologize.

Neil shoved him to the ground and proceeding to beat him with a belt screaming at him calling him names.





Billy sobbed, he wouldn't hold it down. It hurt, everything. From Steve's heartbroken look to the whipping of a belt. Neil left after an hour of beating Billy.

Billy stood up, even though everything hurt. And he ran out the window covered in bruises and blood. He ran to his car and sped away to Steve's house hoping to apologize to him.

When he arrived at Steve's house he climbed a free and climbed onto the roof and walked over to Steve's window where he saw the boy lying on his bed, his face buried on his pillow, shoulders shaking. Beside his bed was a picture of them together on their first date, that Steve had knocked off of his nightstand not wanting to look at it.

Billy knocked on the window and Steve looked up and gasped. He walked to the window and opened it. Before he could say anything could happen Billy tackled Steve onto the bed. Steve gasped tears instantly filling his reddened eyes. "Billy! No! Please, don't hurt me!" Steve sobbed. "Baby, I'm not gonna hurt you," Billy said softly as he caressed Steve's face. "I just had to get you out of the way, I didn't want you to get hurt." "I just wanted to help," Steve said. "I know, sweetheart, I know," Billy said kissing Steve's faces. "But you know I love you so much and am not gonna let anything happen to you, ever." "Yeah, I know," Steve said rolling his eyes. "I love you too."

Billy kissed Steve's lips and promised that Neil would never separate him from his sweet angel. He'd never force him to hurt Stevie in anyway.

He loved him way too much for that.

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