Survivors (COMING SOON!)

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#001 You

Speed: 8/10
Stamina: 7/10
Composure: 4/10
Stealth: 4/10
Smarts: 4/10


When the killer uses their detect ability, there is a 50% chance you will not be detected.

"How did I get here?" - You, probably.

Your about can be whatever you want!

It's your character!

#002 Adriana

Speed - 7/10

Stamina - 6/10

Composure - 6/10

Stealth - 9/10

Smarts - 6/10


Adriana does not make any noise and is undetectable when standing still.

"Nothing scares me anymore." - Adriana Penn


This survivor is EASY to play.


This survivor can become undetectable.

This survivor can excel at repairing generators.


Adriana's stats and ability all revolve around not getting into chases. Try to focus on doing generators in the safest places possible to avoid having to be chased, as her stats aren't made for it. In case found, use walls to your advantage as Adriana has very high stealth and can help throw the killer off track. In many cases, you can hide in a locker/corner mid-chase or before a chase as she is silent and undetectable while not moving. Adriana should avoid doing gens with other people since it pretty much makes her undetectable useless. If needed, she can try to snipe weak gens (gens that have no chase zones nearby) while someone distracts the killer.


Adriana never had a proper upbringing. Her parents didn't get along, and she found it hard to fit in with the kids at school. Despite this, she tried her best to just get through with it and move on to bigger and better things.

But life had other plans. Adriana found herself working a minimum wage job that she hated, unable to afford a post-secondary education and having almost no social life. But all of these things changed once her beauty channel blew up. Overnight she became a viral sensation.

Adriana wasn't sure what to do, but she knew she didn't want to lose this. She kept her cool and continued to pump out content. Her subscriber count only continued to grow more and more as she got the hang of things. Once she reached her first one-hundred thousand, she knew she had to do something special.

A huge livestream celebration with tons of events planned. Adriana couldn't have been more excited. But all it took was a walk around woods near her house to clear her mind before a white mist appeared.

#003 Gabrielle

Speed: 6/10

Stamina: 5/10

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