1. How you meet:

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1. Satoshi:

You were an underclassman who was really close friends with an 8th grader named Yuka Mochida. Despite hanging out all the time, you one day heard Yuka tell you something that slightly surprised you.

"Hey Yukes! What should we do this afternoon? If you're not busy, we could hang out at my place? I've got this new game I think you'd like!" She stares at you with a small smile, before quickly rumbling through her bags. "S-sorry Y/N-nii! Yuka can't come today... She has to stay at home with Onii-chan. We're going shopping!" "Waiiiit, holdup- did you say you have a brother?" You asked, baffled. She tilts her head, confused. "Wha- Did Yuka not tell you she has a big brother?" "No!" You exclaimed. "Oh! Sorry, maybe you can meet him someday-" "Yuka! Let's go!" A voice called out to her. "Coming Onii-chan!" She ran off to a student who looked about the same age as you.

"How was your day?" He asked. "It was great! Y/N-nii went with Yuka secretly out of class to go buy candy!" "He what?!" He was about to grab you when Yuka stopped him. "No Onii-chan! We went to the shop at school! We never left!" "Oh... My bad." He sweatdropped. "Yuka, I didn't know you had another friend?" She blushes a little. "S-sorry...
Y/N-nii usually goes home early... And Yuka runs to Onii-chan so he doesn't worry.." 'Wow... She's really considerate.." You thought. "Weeelll... I don't see any problem with him tagging along." The boy shrugged. "R-really?! Does Onii-chan mean it?!" Yuka gasped, excited. "Sure. It's not like we're shopping for panties or anything-" He soon after received a slap from the younger sibling. "O-Onii-chan! That's secret!" She huffed.

"Okay, okay... My bad." He laughed. She nodded, still flustered. "Oh, I'm Mochida Satoshi by the way." He held his hand for you to shake. "Y/N. Nice to meet you, Mochida-kun." "Ahaha, you don't have to be so formal." "Oh, okay then." You walked in between the two siblings and had your small adventure in the mall. You ended up having a lot of fun! It was a refreshing experience compared to locking yourself up in your room all afternoon. "I had a great time!" You smiled at him. "O-oh? Me too..." He blushed slightly, a small smile present. Yuka witnessed this small interaction, and picked up a small notebook from her pocket. "Must invite Y/N more often..."She mumbled."You really should!" Satoshi agreed. "Ah! This is Yuka's diary! Don't look!" He received a second slap. He groaned a little, rubbing his cheek. "O-ow... Okay, I won't.." you both laughed slightly. What had Yuka really written:

Must invite Y/N more often... Satoshi will love him.

2. Yoshiki:

Being a member of the student council wasn't easy. At all. It was constantly shady dealings such as smuggling drugs, smoking, even catching "traumatizing" material on tape... Ugh. You sighed, writing down the names of the usual troublemakers. One, however, had become very active lately. "Kishinuma Yoshiki... Why am I not surprised?" You looked over his documents. You often decided to excuse him, since he had a valid reason for his behaviour. Lately, however, it's been getting worse.

You groaned, picking up the intercom line. "Can Yoshiki Kishinuma please come to the student council room?" You could see the other students whispering things like, "What did he do this time?" And "He's scary." He roughly opened and closed the door behind him. "What?" He huffed. "Please sit down, I just want to talk to you." "If this is about last week's fight then I don't wanna-" "I'm not going to discuss any of your previous fallouts." He looked at you, slightly surprised. You leaned closer, looking directly at him. He blushed a little. "What's wrong, Kishinuma? Why are you like this?" You asked him in a soft tone." He stuttered a little, before responding. "Wha- what's wrong with me?! Are you-" "I mean emotionally. I want to hear your story. I know you're not really like this. There must be something you're not showing or telling me.

"I-it's none of your business. Can I go now?" "Hmm... Are you sure?" "Yeah".There was a few minutes of silence. Dead silence. You just stared at him, waiting for a response. His face was bright red. Eventually, he cracked from the pressure. "Okay,okay! I'll tell you. Just...don't look at me like that, okay?" He asked, embarrassed.
He ended up breaking down and telling you everything. You never said a word. You just listened. It was at that moment, you saw him for who he really was. "Okay, are you happy?!" He finished. "Yes. Thank you for your time. You're free to leave." You stated. "W-wait... Can I stay here a little longer?" He asked. You smiled to yourself. "Mhm. I'm not going anywhere." You ended up having a pleasant discussion with him, moving from interests, to hobbies, etc. The time had just flown by. It was just when the sunset hit your faces. "Mm... Look at the time." You gasped. "Woah! You're right..." Kishinuma exclaimed. "I'm Y/N, by the way." You shook hands with him. "Oh, and uh... Thanks for today... I really needed it..." He blushed, embarrassed with a small smile present. "I appreciate it, Kishinuma." "Please, call me Yoshiki, we're cool now." "Understandable. Thank you, Yoshiki." You both smiled, and parted ways.

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