«Honestly I considered sending for your brothers that first day. You deserved so much better treatment than you got.»

«It's good you didn't, though, sweet Yunho. That would have hurt the relationship between our kingdoms.»

«But they didn't treat you right! You didn't deserve that. Not for falling off a horse. That was an accident.»

«I shouldn't have been riding alone.»

«So? That doesn't excuse their behavior.»

«It's not Hyunjin's fault. I insisted on going to the party.»

«I know. His brother on the other hand..»

«Yunho, don't.»

«Well, he's not kind.»

«Maybe not, but he's the king. We'll do what he asks of us, won't we.»

«Maybe it's time to go home, princess.»


«Please? Don't marry into this household.»

«It's only the king, everyone else is kind to me.»

«But he is important.»

«I know. Let's not talk about this right now. I am in no condition to be traveling yet, so we're stuck here a little while longer either way. Has anyone asked for me?»

«I've pretty much sealed your door.»

«Do you think we could ask Hyunjin to visit? I'll have to get up and get dressed first, of course, but..»

«Then it'll have to wait till tomorrow.»

«Why though?!» she whined like a child.

«Because I said so. You are resting today. And eating. A lot.»

«Would you bring me a book to read from the library then, please? I'll be a good girl and do as you ask.»


Yunho was a little nervous as he walked into the large library. He saw prince Hyunjin working on a painting by the windows, and he didn't want to disturb him. But Hyunjin only smiled when Yunho entered.

«Yunho! How is Ivy today?»

«Much better, your highness.»

«Oh, thank god!»

«She asked to borrow a book so as not to get bored to death in her room today.»

«That sounds like princess Ivy,» Hyunjin chuckled. «Of course, take any books. Did she ask for anything specific?»

«Yes, she does have very specific requests sometimes. An atlas.»

«I believe my brother had one delivered a day or two ago, let me see if I can find it.»

While he searched for the atlas, he finally asked.

«Is there any chance I'll get to see princess Ivy soon?»

«The princess was hoping you'd come to visit her in her room tomorrow. Would that suit you?»

«Yes, of course! I'll look forward to it. Thank you!»

Yunho came back to Ivy with a large atlas and a book about a few of their neighboring countries. Ivy was delighted. Even though she fell asleep several times during the day while reading, she thoroughly enjoyed the new books. She understood the king had ordered what they had talked about, a more current atlas.

The next morning Ivy dressed properly for the first time in days. It was painful, yes, but she felt a lot better than she had. Yunho invited prince Hyunjin to eat breakfast in Ivy's room. He kept apologizing to the princess until she firmly said enough. Later that day she came to sit with him in the library. She read while he was working on his art. They kept doing that for several days.

«I know you're painting me,» she eventually admitted.

«Hey!» he chuckled.

«It's hard not to notice the way you keep looking at me.»

«Sorry. You're right, I am. Is that okay?»

«Yes, why not. I'm not doing any good here as it is, might as well.»

«You're doing plenty by just being here, princess. With this dreary weather we might as well just stay in, right? And I love any excuse to paint.»

«It's beautiful to see you do something you love. Have you ever painted...»

«No,» he said, immediately understanding. «But I really want to.»

«One day you will. Maybe, if we... you know, if we get married, you could have an art studio in our private quarters, where not everyone can see. Then you can paint whatever or whoever you want.»

He smiled warmly at her. Her heart was beautiful. She wanted him to feel love, more than his own family wanted that for him. She had more care for him than anyone else ever had.

«You truly are special, princess Ivy. I am very thankful to have met you.»

She smiled, he saw her eyes glistening but she swallowed them down.

«Likewise, prince Hyunjin.»

The Hideous Princess // Ateez // Stray Kids // P.SHWhere stories live. Discover now