93.) swan

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Why did you come here?
What did you expect to find?
Is your vision, what you see, clear?
Or is it still blurry, are you still blind?

Did you know you'd find me floating atop the milk sea?
My empty eyes staring at the wall of this catacomb.
Don't you know that ignorance is my condition, the curse of this tomb?

Just stay there, and let me float like a swan.
I am cold and bare but the milk saves me from drowning.
There is an absence in my chest, my heart is gone.
My lips have forgotten what smiling is, or frowning.

I am in a liminal state of existence you see.
In between life and death,
it's not so scary.
You don't really
get to choose who you'll be.
That's the truth I realised once I lost my honey.
Now my paradise is dead, entirely.

Can you find my eyes
and tell me who I am?
My vessel is collecting ice
like a frost-bitten lamb.

What do you see when you look into the palms of my hand?
Tell me what consult your book which terrain, which land?

I don't want to be a lonely swan anymore,
whose eyes see only darkness.
I am nothing but dead at my core.
I am the epitome of starkness.

My paradise is gone
but is coming again, I can feel it.
I will never be none,
I have hope, and I will seal it.
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