[ ✯ NINETEEN ✯ ]

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"Mhm," Shuji replied before deciding to move onto a different, less emotional topic, "anyway, I'm here for a reason, 'ya know."

"Oh, yeah. I was going to ask you why you suddenly showed up, but uh..." Y/N had been distracted by Shuji's comment, still having a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that Shuji had witnessed them in such a vulnerable position.

"I'm taking you to Roppongi." Shuji clarified, taking Kazutora's only free hand before dragging him along, heading straight for a different direction that did not lead towards the Hanemiya boy's school.

"Hey, wait!" Kazutora yelped, feeling his feet being pulled along, "I can't skip school!"

"Why not? Oh, don't tell me that you're a goody two shoes, hm? ♡" Shuji teased, chuckling as he felt Kazutora attempt to pull away from him. "You wanted to go, so I'm taking you."

"Boy, this is literally kidnapping!" Kazutora complained, "I can't have the school call my mom!"

"Don't care, didn't ask.~ ♡ You're spending time with me today, alright?" Shuji said in a sultry tone, keeping a tight grip on his hand, although not tight enough to actually hurt him. He just wanted to spend some time with his friend, you see.

"Oh my god, Shuji, if I get killed by my mom I'm haunting you in the afterlife!" Kazutora scowled before catching up with him, now willingly following him from behind. But Shuji still would not let go of his hand.

Has Y/N ever expressed just how uneasy they were about physical contact? They tolerated it, sure, but they weren't exactly the biggest fan of it or anything. Their space was their space, and their personal space being constantly invaded by others wasn't exactly the best thing in the world. Still, Y/N did like hugs— only from certain people, however.

"I'd be happy if you haunted me," Shuji grinned, "then I'd have more reasons to keep pestering you." Shuji interlocked their fingers, holding his hand even though Kazutora's own hand was loose from the contact.

Kazutora rolled his golden-brown eyes, scoffing, "Of course you would. Fuckin' leach."

"Is it normal for you to nickname people like that?" Shuji mused, speaking his thoughts out loud. Y/N still hasn't stopped calling Shuji a leach and or a stalker, so it was only natural that Shuji would wonder about it eventually.

"Yeah. I call Seishu 'charmer' and Kokonoi 'snake,' then I call some dude named Hanagaki a nuisance and anyone else, uh, depends." Y/N was intentionally leaving out the fact that they also called Seishu loads of other nicknames, such as 'prince charming,' 'knight in shining armor,' etcetera.

"That's the first you've mentioned them since your trip to the hospital. Who's Hanagaki, anyway?" Shuji asked.

It wouldn't hurt to tell him, right? "Hanagaki Takemichi. He's the boyfriend of some friend of mine, and I always hate it whenever he's around. Therefore, a nuisance."

"A girl?" Shuji spoke out loud, an indescribable feeling panging in his chest, "Do you like her or something?"

"What? No! Of course not. Hinata is just a friend, almost like a sister to me." Kazutora refuted, scrunching up his expression in a weirded-out way.

Shuji didn't know why he sighed out in relief, feeling slightly lighter than a mere few seconds ago.

Kazutora raised an eyebrow, "Why do you ask? Like me or something?" He joked, not being serious at all, and his tone clearly expressed that.

Shuji rolled his eyes, keeping up his grin, "Nah, wouldn't like a pipsqueak like you. Besides, I'm not gay."

"Hm, alright," Kazutora hummed, "anyway, what exactly do we plan to do once we get to Roppongi?"

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