Chapter Two - It's A Hard Life

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After a very long and draining night I woke up the next morning on the couch in Brian May's living room to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking from the kitchen. Sitting up from the couch I was greeted by a still half-asleep Brian.

"Morning you, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay thanks Brian, you?"

"I'm doing all right, no pun intended. Want some bacon and eggs?"

"Ooh, yes please Brian! Where's Fred, does he not cook or is he to lazy?" I asked sitting up from the couch and slowly making my way over to Brian and the food he was plating up for me.

"He's asleep, and he can't cook shit." He said chuckling.

"That's not very nice of you poodle-head" Freddie said in a grouchy voice exiting the spare bedroom. "I see you have given my sister breakfast? Where's mine?"

Brian laughed slightly "here" he said handing him a plate before plating up his. "What's the plan for today?" He asked.

"Well" Freddie started before shoving half a rashon of bacon in his mouth. "First we need to record Rogers drum section in Seven Seas Of Rhye, like we were supposed to do last night but couldn't be bothered to.." me and Brian gave a slight laugh at this. "Then after that...fuck knows.."

"Fred..." I started. But him knowing me, didn't let me finish my sentence.

"No. You don't have to go home. Come to the studio with us. You do have to go home eventually though." Freddie said and I sighed after thanking him for letting me go with the band today.

Arriving at the studio felt longer than driving to Brian's last night. The second I walked in I was greeted by Roger who was already practicing on his drums.

"Hey! It's the better Mercury! How are you?" He asked pulling me in for a hug.

I laughed slightly "I'm okay, and yourself?"

"Not to bad"

"Stop flirting and piss off Roger." Freddie said making me and Roger laugh a little.

"Where's Deaky?" Brian asked breaking the tension between me, Roger and Freddie.

"Clearly not here yet dipshit" Roger argued.

After what felt to be a very long day of doing nothing but listening to the boys bickering on and on the day was finaly over.

"Hey" Roger said running up to me "what you up to tonight?"

"Well, guess I can't crash at Brian's I might have to go home." I sighed after saying those words.

"Nonsence, crash at mine. Just don't tell your brother." He whispered in my ear.

"Really! Oh my god thank you so much Roger!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly.

"Yeah no, your not going sister!" Freddie said from behind.

""What the fuck Freddie!"

"Freddie don't be a dick, let her crash at mine tonight."

"No, no, no, you've spent to long away from home already, mother and father will be worried sick." Freddie retorted back. A sick feeling was sent straight to my stomach making me feel nauseous from the thought of having to return home.

I eventually was persuaded by Freddie to go, but I had promised Roger that I would see him soon.

The walk home felt longer than ever. The dread of having to walk into a house with a family that hated me after 48 hours of not seeing them without them knowing where I was last night.

As I approached the door, I regretted all my life decisions. I thought about how much easier my life would be if I didn't make half of those decisions, but then who I wouldn't have met. Reluctantly and hesitantly I knocked on the door to my own house. Kash answered the door.

"Oh my Y/N your home!" She exclaimed, making mother and father rush to the door.

"Oh dear, we were so worried about you!" Mother said engulfing me in a tight hug before releasing. Father looked at me, if looks could kill, I would have taken my last breath already.

"Where were you!" He shouted.

"With people who care about me!" I retorted back. Instantly regretting it.

"Oh sweet child, you shouldn't have said that." Mother said calmly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Go to your room! I don't want to see you again for the rest of the day! I can't imagine what its like to be you! Such a disgraceful child!"

"It's a hard life, father!" I muttered before storming upstairs to my room.

I do not in any way believe that Bomi Bulsara was in any way this mean or horrible towards his children, especially a fictional one, but for the purpose of this story, he is mean towards Y/N. But will they rekindle their relationship? Read on to find out!!!

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