The Christmas War Part 2

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Emperor Topham Hatt looked a head and seen what he was searching for. Santa Clause was coming this way in his rocket sleigh. He muttered to Black Bird time to die Santa as he open fire with the miniguns. It was having no effect. They started to get closer and closer to each other. In the same moment Emperor Topham Hatt screamed fire missiles, Santa pulls out his candy cane rocket launcher and fires. The blast goes through the side window and through the back of Harrold's cab but the emperors missiles just have no effect like he has a shield. Topham Hatt fires his special weapon that can only be described as a electric pulse beam. It works somehow and shorts out Santa sleigh as it begins to fall from the sky as a rock. As Santa is trying to control his sleigh he drops his Candy Cane launcher. Moments later on the ground one of the emperors soldiers pick up the candy cane.

The Emperor lands Black Bird with a struggle near were Santa crashed the sleigh. A soldier runs up to him and gives the emperor the candy cane rocket launcher and the emperor says good work soldier with a evil grin. The emperor started to walk over to the crash site. General Keith came up to him and said Sir the Santa guy seems to be invincible, nothing we throw at him works. Emperor Topham Hatt said lets try this showing the candy cane. He walks up to Santa and says, Your time is up old man any last words? You should have brought me presents when you had the chance. Santa looked at him and smiled and said you are still just that sad mean little boy who likes to control and bully everyone around him. That's why you never got presents. With that the emperor fires the gun destroying the sleigh but Santa manages to get out of the way in the nick of time. Santa said one last thing. You will never stop Christmas no matter how hard you try. I already have, i have already won emperor topham hatt said Then he fired the candy cane launcher 3 times at Santa.

Santa Claus laying up against the wall dead, blood everywhere. The emperor order one of his soldiers to clean up the mess and burn the body but this soldier was no ordinary soldier. As the soldier touched Santa's jacket a voice spoke to him that only he could hear. You are not meant to be a soldier of the empire. You are Charlie Sand you are meant to become the leader of the rebellion. In this moment Charlie knew what he must do, he must save Christmas. Santa's bag of toys appeared close to him as if Santa somehow protected them from the emperor.

He grabbed the bag of toys and got them passed the other soldiers without them being seen and snuck them into Edward. Edward my friend i need your help to save Christmas the Emperor has gone to far. With that Edward agreed they took off down the tracks. They both knew that doing this would be treason to the empire and they would have to go into hiding after this.

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