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He took a sticky note and a pencil out. He began to randomly doodle music related symbols. It was probably the best thing he could draw. He drew them trying to pass time.

"That's all they are, are they not? Rumors?" He shrugged. "I don't believe in rumors unless they are proven to be true. Although something does interest me. All the animatronics have gone missing from the restaurant..." he hummed, wondering, before beginning to doodle again. "There's three people in the popular group who have the names of the animatronics. Mines Freddy. But I think Chica's and Foxy's are just nicknames," he said. "We'd just need a Bonnie."

He didn't know he was the animatronic. He just knew his name was Freddy.

"I don't want anything from you." He paused his doodling once again. "Well...there is one thing," he chuckled. "That's your name."

Highschool Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora