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Ezylryb POV

On occasion after a particularly boring parliament meeting, I would wander down to the area below where the roots were, where one could hear everything said in the meeting. I went to this place quite often when I first arrived. I only stopped when I was granted a spot of my own in the parliament. I keep going down there to look for talon marks and I was lucky that for the longest time I found none. If I had found evidence of an owl going there, I'd have quite the dilemma, as I'd have to go to the monarchs and tell of how I knew of such a spot.

One day I did find marks, they were of four owls, an elf owl, a great gray, a burrowing owl, and most importantly a barn owl. The band with that young Soren, acting as leader, had arrived at this great tree just a month prior. I knew that it had to be them. I knew that those owlets were strong of gizzard and could be trusted with any information discussed in that hollow. I had actually hoped that Soren would find the roots. I could see that he had a strong heart and an even stronger gizzard, even more so than most of the owls in the parliament. He is a very special owl, and for that reason, I decided that he would be in the weather and collioring chaw almost as soon as I saw him.




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