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IT  wasn't unusual for y/n's house to be filled with nothing but silence all day long.

her aunt (who took care of her) was usually out of town, her being an independent entrepreneur and all. she left y/n to her own devices, and let her do whatever she wanted.

y/n was usually "busy" in her room, doing whatever she did. sometimes, if you stood right up to the closed door with your ear pressed up against it, you could hear the sound of her soft breathing, or maybe a chuckle or the sound of a page flipping, or even the click of the space bar on a computer.

her urgent work was discarded long ago when she flopped down on her chair in her mess of a room straight when she got home. perhaps she wanted to finish a hard-to-put-down book or a movie she started last night but never got around to finishing. some nights you could hear her scribbling down on a paper urgently, or the click-clack of a computer as she hurriedly finished work she "forgot" to finish. maybe you heard her sliding footsteps as she hurried along to the kitchen to pour herself another cup of coffee during the witching hour, or the beeping of the microwave as her late-night snack was finished heating up. of course, there was the occasional break out of a song and the groans she made when she was frustrated.

whatever it was, it was most likely always silent.

it was something she was used to and embraced. many times she wondered how different things would be if she had a loud, rowdy group of friends or perhaps a gregarious significant other. but then she was once again reminded that she'd dropped all her previous friends and never had any more romantic interactions than the one time in third grade when she bumped into her crush. 

just as it always was, her life was dull. duller than a used-up pencil or a knife that was long overdue for a sharpening. she would say it's fine, that she was used to it. she believed her days would always stay the same, like a record on a loop.

merlin, how wrong she was.


slowly, my eyes blinked open, crusted with sleep. god, i had knocked out. it had been such a long time since i'd slept so peacefully like that, uninterrupted by foreign sounds or the chill of the night. the white blanket on top of me weighed heavy on my body, and i welcomed the comforting feeling as i stretched out the surprisingly large bed i was on. i hummed with content and closed my eyes once more, comfort lulling me to sleep.

then i shot up, confusion and panic usurping my comfort. my bed wasn't this big, and my blanket wasn't this thick. the room itself could've been two-thirds the size of my house, with ornate decorations on every piece of furniture. the bed had a princess bedframe, very light f/c colored curtains that were almost white hung on the sides, and at the tip of the bed, there were four big white fluffy pillows. colored light shined through huge stained windows, beautiful designs separating the colors with their lines. next to me was a marble cart with a shining white tray on it. the tray carried fluffy pancakes topped with syrup and fresh fruit, and a cup of what i hoped was coffee.

i didn't have much time to process my shock though, because the sound of a door opening caught my attention. in came a tiny creature, with long pointy ears, and big bright eyes, and it wore what looked like a pillowcase in the style of a dress. the thing's limbs were scrawny, which did not match its large head at all. when we met eyes it smiled, and despite it looking slightly frightening the smile was warm and it eased my nerves a bit. i gave a reluctant smile back and raised my hand to wave at it. it eagerly rushed towards me.

"miss y/n is awake!" it said, eyes sparkling with joy. i squinted back at it, wondering why it looked so familiar. "pomkey was so worried when miss y/n just fainted like that earlier. is miss y/n alright now?" i just kept silent, pondering "pomkey"s words. "ah! pomkey sees. miss y/n would like the mistress and master!" this pulled me out of my trance.

"the mistress and master?" i asked, confused. was this just another dream? no, my dreams were never was i finally lucid dreaming for the first time?

"yes, miss y/n's parents. pomkey will go get the mistress and master, miss y/n. oh! and pomkey will get the physician!" before i could say anything, pomkey was already scurrying out of the room, closing the door gently.

i sat there shocked, my mind still processing the situation. "what the f-"

"y/n!" the door burst open and in came an older couple. the lady had long silky h/c hair, and slight wrinkles on her face as she scrunched up her face in worry. she had a long cocktail dress on that complimented her body type.. the man already had tears in his eyes, and gray hairs staining parts of his h/c hair. he had on a suit that reminded you of one of a butler's- perhaps because of the silky white gloves he had on. 

pomkey scurried in behind them, head down in complete submission. she closed the door as the "mistress" and "master" rushed towards me. they each took a side, the man pushing the food cart away so that it wasn't in his way. "are you alright my darling?" the man continued, gripping one of my hands as the lady took another gently.

i felt very vulnerable and uncomfortable in this position, but i tried giving them a smile. "sorry, but who are you?" the question enticed gasps from both sides, more prominent from the male's side. he let go of my hand and let both go up to cover his mouth as his eyes watered with unshed tears. the lady just looked shocked, and i could see the cogs turning in her brain.

"our lovely daughter forgot who we are!" he breathed out, eyes wide with shock. tears bordered on the edge of his eyes, threatening to spill. i froze at the word "daughter" as my "father" began to freak out and my "mother" rolled her eyes at him.

i'd never known my parents, my mother dying shortly after my birth and my father, stricken with grief, ended his own life and put me into the hands of my aunt. she raised me without showing any photos of them to me, though she had some pictures in her room that she'd grieve over sometimes. that was fine with me though, i didn't want to know them or learn about them. my aunt was always my parents, best friend, and everything in between, and she was enough for me. if these people were my actual parents, i wouldn't have known. still, i couldn't trust a stranger.

"calm down, louis. the physician will get here soon and diagnose her and she'll be fine." my "mother" looked down at me with a warm smile and pushed the hair out of my face. "you'll be fine, darling. just fine."

i've never trusted anyone, barely trusting my own aunt, the person who took care of me, much less a stranger. but... just this once, maybe i could trust a stranger.

just this once.

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