Paranormal Crime

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"Look, I think the problem is this is a restaurant. We can't get inspired here. We have to go someplace scary, you know? To put us in the mood," Snake said.

"I got it: the old Los Angeles Hospital," Piranha declared.

"What?! We can't go there. That place has been abandoned for years. And they say it's haunted by a killer ghost with a shovel," Wolf said nervously.

"That's why it's the perfect place. If we want to write a scary movie, we need to do it somewhere scary," Snake announced.

"Well, I guess we could try it. We have sort of just been spinning our wheels here," Tarantula added

Wolf sighed in defeat, and said, "I guess Web's right. We'll just have to try."


On a rainy night, the Bad Guy traveled to the abandoned Los Angeles Hospital. When they made it there, the area was surrounded by dead trees, the building was old and huge. Wolf parked the car in front, and the Bad Guys looked up at the building, feeling unsure at first. When the group got inside, they walked down the hallway with Wolf, Piranha, and Shark opening the door of what was supposed to be the emergency room.

"This place is terrible," Shark commented.

"Are you kidding? It's the perfect place to write a horror movie," Piranha said.

Wolf then turned around, and started discussing the idea of a horror movie, "All right, well, I got an idea. You know, I like them horror movies where people go to a museum, but a sudden monster wakes up from its slumber."

At night, when the museum was about to close, a gentleman wolf named Warren made a sly smile on his face when he spotted a ruby pendant next to the mummy that was shaped like a wolf. While no one was looking since everyone was heading to the exit, Warren reached for the pendant, took it, and hid it inside his pocket. When Warren was headed out towards the exit, a mummy suddenly woke up, and rose from the tomb. Warren felt a sudden disturbance behind him as he turned around, and saw an alive mummy.

Warren screamed as he ran off. The mummy chased after him. Warren ran to every section of the museum, until he fell into a trap of dead end. The mummy was getting closer and closer as Warren screamed in horror.

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!" he begged.

"Wait a minute," Hornet interrupted the story, "You were the guy and the mummy?"

"That's an awful idea," Snake said.

"Well, I got one, amigos," Piranha raised his fin, "We should write one of them horror movies where a little guy rode his trike down the hallway, and when he turned around, he saw twiiiiins!" He said in a spooky tone at the last part.

A young piranha rode his trike down the hallway where he glanced at another hallway to see an elevator releasing a flood of blood. The young piranha drove away, trying to ignore that. But when he turned to another hallway, he saw twin mice in blue dresses and pink bows.

"Come play with us," the twins said deadpan, "Forever, and ever, and ever."

"Yes, all work and no play makes a piranha dull boy," the piranha hopped out of his trike, and took out a large bazooka, "Play this!" He fired the bazooka, and shot at the twins with an explosive rocket missile.

The rest of the Bad Guys listened to Piranha's story, but they expected some scary or thrilling to the story, but nothing did.

"That's it?" Tarantula asked.

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