Take me away

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I go to the auction ready to face Kinn, I can't fall behind. I notice he's bringing a full house of bodyguards and Porsche is among them, dressed impeccably, he's watching us from the bar area.

I am ready to negotiate with Kinn. I really want that bodyguard of his in my house away from his grasp. I know Kinn is after him and he won't stop until he gets his own way.

My informants told me that Porsche keeps making mistakes and Kinn has been giving him a very hard time, the perfect excuse to bring him to the minor family with me instead.

I propose that to Kinn but unsurprisingly he doesn't agree. I have anticipated that, and I'm already thinking of ways of pressuring him. I can't help teasing Kinn, reminding him I know exactly the reason why he doesn't want to part with Porsche.

I go back to my seat and concentrate in the auction. With luck I can win the diamond and maybe get Porsche in exchange, I figure Korn has instructed Kinn to get it.

After a tense bidding that I don't win, but at least I manage to increase the price for Kinn, I look around and I notice Porsche drinking a glass of champagne from a tray. Judging by the colour of his cheeks, it must be one of many.

The auction has already finished, so when I see him heading towards the restrooms, I follow him.

He is in the corridor, stumbling, I catch him with my arm around his waist.

- Vegas! - he says turning his head towards me with a wide smile and glassy puppy eyes that go straight to my crotch.

- Kinn is going to be mad at me - he says, changing his expression suddenly, looking at the floor.

- For drinking and now for speaking to you - he says, looking into my eyes.

Fuck Kinn, I think, my blood boils instantly, I fight the urge to turn around and go punch his face.

- Will you take me out of here with you? - says Porsche.

- Yes, - I reply instantly - where do you want to go?

As soon as I finish the sentence, I feel Porsche's lips brushing softly over mine. He really surprises me.

I want to take him as far away as possible. I grab his hand and start walking towards the back exit. He's stumbling but manages to keep up the pace.

Today I brought an SUV car, I find it without calling the valet. I get Porsche in, help him put his seatbelt on, and I drive in silence for about 15 minutes, until we are quite far away from the venue of the auction.

I'm driving around in circles without a destination. When I'm a bit more relaxed, I put some music on. Porsche is looking outside the window.

- Are you okay? - I ask.

- Better now, thank you - he says slowly, turning to look in my direction.

He continues looking in my direction, a bit unfocused. I decide to park in a quiet spot near a park. I stop the engine, take my seat belt off and smoke a cigarette out of the open window, giving one to Porsche.

I open his window too, I think the breeze will be good for Porsche.

I lean in to get some snacks from the glove compartment.

- Is Kinn sexually harrasing you? - I decide to interrogate Porsche since he'll be more likely to tell me the truth in his state.

He nods pensively and says:

- He's always ordering me around as if I was his possession, I was wounded and he came to treat my wound...

I've got the impression there is more than what he's saying with words, perhaps more than what he himself is aware.

I'm furious again. The snacks in the bag become small crumbs inside the bag, the way I'm closing my fist over it.

Suddenly Porsche puts his arms around my neck and gives me a hug, lifting his ass from his seat.

I can't remember last time someone gave me a hug like this. Maybe it was my mother. I am tense at the beginning, but soon enough I start to enjoy Porsche's heat and scent all around me, and my arms crawl around his back, holding him tight.

I hear Porsche's slow, dragged-on words:

- Kiss me, Vegas.

Drunk Porsche is so damn sexy I comply.

I hold his cheeks in my hands and taste the champagne in his lips, then in his tongue. His mouth is sweet like a ripen fruit, so I grab his hair with my left hand to incline his head to the side for better access, and deepen the kiss. My right hand goes to his neck, my thumb teasing his Adam's apple, feeling the rapid heartbeat on the side of his neck, then pressing softly.

After a while, I break the kiss and look at him, I want to know if Porsche is sober now.

His eyes are still glassy. I put my finger on his lips and he looks at me again with puppy eyes.

I give him another slow, deep kiss, my tongue is trying to wake him up.

- I don't want you to regret this, Porsche, or to forget about it - I say - I want you to be fully aware.

Porsche's eyes are still glassy, and now he looks like he's about to cry.

Our phones start buzzing almost at the same time. I want to stay here until Porsche sobers up and then take everything but...

We have to go back.

Deep impression Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz