01. time is a man long dead

Start from the beginning

In clutching her dream, or idealistic view, blossomed a weed that infected the core of Seira's mind and soul. This weed took the form of pride, and later took the title of god complex. Such a weed grew and grew without any acknowledgement, just how time passes by without a second glance.

Time was unforgiving.

Rika Seira had bathed in her freedom as if it were a pool of eternal youth. She danced bare in such a luxury as if it were the garden of eden. The pursuit for freedom in the beginning was mankind's downfall, but Seira's freedom lived in mankind's abandonment of the garden.

Freedom was short lived however.

It was in the moment that Seira felt complete when her dream was gripped harshly out of her hands by another woman of her stature. A woman who had an over grown god complex growing inside of her that had ripped Seira out of her daydream. Makima was the bane of Seira's existence the moment they crossed paths.

She remembers vividly how Makima had commented that Seira had no scent, and when Seira had turned to meet the red headed woman's gaze all was revealed to Seira when golden spiral irises clashed with silver orbs of eternity. She remembers vividly how Seira had wanted to kill the control devil right then and there, but was forced not too by her own devil hiding within her husk of flesh. She remembers vividly how Makima had told her to make a contract with her, and Seira's blunt refusal had riddled the woman's manipulative facade into one of true shock and fear. She remembers vividly how Makima had offered her a job as a Public Safety Devil Hunter, and Seira agreeing because the god devil had told her so.

Seira and Makima are two hounds locked in a battle to the death, or maybe they are snakes eating at the others tail end until they reach the others head, she does not know, and she does not care. She loathed and seethed at the chains Makima tried to wrap around her body like slithering snakes, and she cut each one down like a wood cutter in a forest of his favorite pine. Makima's chains meant freedom would become yet another distant dream for Seira, and she refused to go back to such dark and desolate days. So, she created a false facade for Makima, one that gave Makima the usefulness she seeks in Seira, but also allows the starlight blonde woman let her alter ego know who was the dominant one in their locked cage of animosity.

Time is unforgiving.

Seira did not like the hypocrisy that overflowed Makima's office. On occasions time seemed like it did not exist between the confines of the four walls that housed the control devil, and Seira often concluded it to be the closest form of torture Makima could inflict on her. Other days time seemed too quickly for the blonde haired woman, like a tornado changing its course of destruction, you could never prepare. Seira had wished today would have been one where day and night came in the blink of an eye, and yet the seconds drew out like an echo.

Makima could command the temperature of the office with a few simple words, and Seira did not like that kind of power. Her few words she ever let slip past her pink lips made the room feel hot with fog, and Seira did not care for the humidity that left her throat clogged. The silence was more unbearable, and it left the confines feeling almost barren. Makima's silence spoke louder than her words though, like rain on a winters day, it left you soaked and shivering for shelter.

The only thing that ever stayed the same in the wooden office was tension, the kind that you could almost cut if it ever became tangible.

"I know our agreement in the beginning was that you would be a solo hunter, but circumstances have changed," Makima paused, as if waiting for Seira to become a defiant dog, but Seira allowed her supervisor to continue, "there's been a boy who I think would thrive under your guidance, so I am making you two buddies."

𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, chainsaw manWhere stories live. Discover now