ᴘɪʟᴏᴛ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ)

Start from the beginning

Amy: (scoffs) You got lucky.

Jake: No, I got here five minutes before you and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera. (Looks up at TVs, which are now displaying security camera's view of the criminals who ambushed the store.) Oh! Hi, bad guys! You did it, Fuzzy. You busted 'em.
It's time to come home.

"That was clever, I have to admit." Rhodey said. "Yes, but such self-confidence can also only come from a Stark." Bruce said snorting.
"You mean from a Stank." Rhodey said. At this, Tony threw a pillow at Rhodey.

[He holds up Fuzzy and begins to talk in the bear voice.]

Jake (as Fuzzy): I'm not sure if I can. I've been undercover so long, I've forgotten who I am. I have seen terrible things. I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons.

Tony laughed at that. The boy had his humor.

Amy: (rolls eyes and walks away) All right.

Jake (as Fuzzy): Detective Santiago! Don't walk away from me!

[Opening titles: Rock music plays as the criminals are apprehended, led by Jake and Amy into the office of New York's 99th precinct.]

[Exterior view of the 99th Precinct building. Text on bottom of screen: "99th Precinct, Morning Briefing, 8:31 AM."]

Jake (Voice-over): Yes, I did crack the case.

(Cut to inside of building--)

Jake: So, Santiago, would you do the honors?

[Camera pans over to Amy, who sighs. She gets up and wals over to a whiteboard which, among other things, has a table in the corner that says: "Peralta: 23, Santiago: 22."]

"Its's quite close to each other." Bruce said.

All: Ohhh!

Amy: I hate this!

Jake (Off-Sreen): Ah, yeah. And you're just gonna add one.

[Amy erases the "23" after Jake's name and writes "24" in tiny handwriting.]

"The way she writes it so small." Shuri laughed at that.

Jake (Off-Sreen): I'm winning.

"Looks like a bet." Bruce said.
"Yes, and Jake will win." Tony said. "Pretty biased. I bet on the Santiago girl." Nat said.

[Applause from the other members of the precinct.]

Amy: I hate this!

Jake (Off-Sreen): It's a good feeling. (Cut back to him; he's telling this to Detective Charles Boyle, sitting next to him.) It's a good feeling. Yeah.

Amy: (walking back to her seat) Enjoy it while it lasts.

"He will definitely do that." Tony said.

Jake: (grinning widely) I will!

[Sergeant Terry Jeffords stands at the podium at the front of the room.]

Terry: JP, update on the Morgenthau murder?

"JP sounds kinda cool. What do you guys think of SW?" Sam asked.
"Sounds terrible." Clint said.

Jake: (getting up from his seat) Yeah! Good for all you murder fans.

"Nat, you are meant." Clint said. For this sentence Nat punched him on the shoulder.

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