Goodnight Sam

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The day before I died I asked my dad if I could go to work with him. I had nothing better to do. I had fun. He's a really good cook. He taught me a few things. I used to have lots of fun making cookies or brownies with him. Those were fun moments with him or making tacos even though I didn't really like his tacos moms were always better. My dad to me was a teddy bear. He is a really nice person unless he's had a bad day. I loved my dad. He helped me get through my life, at least most of it. He was a funny person and knew how to make me laugh a lot. Even my teacher said he was a really nice guy. After an hour or two of cooking with my dad he took me home I decided to paint again. I painted a teddy bear for my dad because I realized I was going to kill myself. I couldn't just leave without leaving at least one message to my family. My parents are divorced so I did something for both of the a painting for dad and something for mom. I wanted her to have my amethyst crystals and a picture of me. I left something for my siblings too for my brother Robbie a painting of a house that he told me to do many years ago. My other brother Jasper I left him my necklace that our mom gave me and my sister I left her my amethyst crystal ball because it's a memory of us wasting my money on her birthday because I wanted to be a good sister. I left them all notes. That night I called my friend and we talked for an hour or more just about life and stupid things. When I talked to this friend it always felt like we were high together mainly because we were sleep deprived. That night I didn't sleep at all till the next day. I laid down and took a bottle of pills and I never woke up. I heard a voice say Goodnights Sam and it sounded like my dad. I finally realized I was really dead and gone. I felt nothing no one was in my sight no one was in my mind. I was truly alone now. I never wanted to be alone not like this.

Her name was SamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora