"It's okay, I don't want to trouble you-"

"Stop being silly," Rory interrupted. "This Christmas will be amazing."

"Definitely," Mandy said with a fake smile. "Coffee?"

The trio walked into Luke's and Mandy immediately clocked in and went behind the counter.

"Wait, Mandy what are you doing?" Rory whined. "We have plans for today!"

"You two should do them! I had a shift this morning anyway," she replied, hoping no one would call her bluff.

"No you do-" Jess started, interrupted only by Mandy's kick to his shin. 

"Yes, it was on the schedule. You should get your eyes checked," she glared, daring him to correct her. 

"Oh, right," he said, nodding slowly. Rory and Lorelai left the diner sadly after getting coffee to go and Mandy's shoulders dropped in relief. Jess was immediately at her side. "You owe me."

"I absolutely do not."

"You absolutely do."

"Whatever, Jess," Mandy replied as she made more coffee. She was too tired to fight with him, which made him pause. Mandy was never too tired to pick a fight.

"I'll cash it in now," he said, warily walking to her side and leaning against the counter she was facing. "Why'd you lie to the Gilmores?"

Mandy simply rolled her eyes and tried to walk away. Unfortunately, she was stopped as Jess stepped in front of her and lightly grabbed her wrist. "It's none of your business, Jess."

"It's not, but it could be," he countered. "You're clearly coming down with something. You love Lorelai and Rory and would never try to get out of spending time with them."

"You're right," she replied, glaring at him. "I-" However, before she could continue she was caught off guard by the Cheshire smirk growing on the Marino boy's face. "What?"

"Say it again."

"Say what again?"

"That I'm right."

Mandy merely huffed and forced Jess out of her way and towards the waiting customers. The rest of the shift was quiet, and for once Mandy felt as if Jess was respecting her space. She could feel his eyes on her the entire time, but he didn't approach her again. 


Needless to say, when Tristan DuGray walked into Luke's diner a few days later, Mandy was shocked and slightly nervous. She'd been wiping down a fork and gripped it a light tighter as the boy approached her. 

"Mandy, right?" he said with a smile that seemed genuine. "We met during rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet."

"How could I forget?" she snarked at him. "What do you want?"

"Just had a question." Though she doubted that was all, she let him continue. "I thought a lot about what you said and I think I need someone like you, someone who can keep me humble in my life."

the town and the city (j. mariano)Where stories live. Discover now