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Depression has no age, gender or status. This negative felling can hit us no matter who we are. Insecurities for example, physically, metally and status in life. Comparimg our selves to others.
Sometimes this leads from taking our own life. If we let depression take over.

No matter how beautiful the day is. How deautiful sunrise is. The day is still plain and gray.

Smily faces, funny jokes, loud laughs. Are the common ways to hide someones depression.
Nobody will notice until it's too late.
Nobody will care until it's too late.

Judging someone for being optimism or being so silent will not help, instead ask. A simple "How are you?" will help. Be ware of others problem and stragle in life. We don't have the same path, or the same problem or luck. Maybe one is lucky of what they have and where they are, and the other is miserable. That no one can notice and sometimes making fun of it. Others depression begin by telling them what they need to be or who they must be.(by their parents or people around him/her)
Let us all not make fun of people we dont know what they are going through. Instead take time to pray for them. Pay attention on asking how they are, how they feel. Pay attention if the happiness is geuine or not. Be their freind, a shoulder to cry on. And an ear to listen.
So ask your FREIND now,

And to those who feel this way. Whatever the reason behind why you feel gray,you feel abandoned. God is always with us. Be who you are, you are perfectly created by God. Never ashemed of what and who you are.Let him handle your problem. Remember that nothing is permanent, soon the sun will rise to light you up.
Don't let depression takes away your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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Depresaion can killWhere stories live. Discover now