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My first year at Hogwarts began with some delay, because I hadn't even known until a week ago that I wouldn't be spending this year at Beauxbatons.

Professor Dumbledore had been generous enough to open his fireplace for my arrival. The office was spacious, despite all the things piled up.

"Did you find your way well here?" The principal came over to me holding an ancient, worn witch's hat. "Normally we already have our students' luggage taken to their rooms," his gaze slid to the huge chest I was pulling out from behind me, "but since we didn't know which house you'd be assigned to yet, we couldn't spare you that inconvenience yet."

I politely waved it off. "Oh, that doesn't matter. I'm used to much worse." The floating chest landed on the thick carpet behind me, and I finally had a moment to really look around the room.

The things I had just thought were trinkets all turned out to be rare, magical items. "You have an impressive collection," I remarked honestly, walking past the cabinets.

The older man laughed politely. "Coming from you, that's a really flattering compliment."
I smiled back. The principal knew about my parents' work.

"What is that?", I asked further, pointing to a strange apparatus I had never seen before. There was a compliment in that question, too, of course. Important men liked it when people showed interest in their hobbies.

"Oh that's an Imobilee. Please," Dumbledore offered me, "try it."

Immediately I raised my hands defensively. "Thank you, but I've learned my lesson with unfamiliar magical objects harder than I'd like." I laughed, even though my escape from France was still in my bones.

Understanding, the man nodded. "Then I suppose we shall begin?" He pointed to a chair he had pulled out of thin air. "As you know, it is a tradition at this school that our students are assigned to one of the four houses."

I settled down in the chair and artfully smoothed out my knee-length skirt. The principal put the hat on me and immediately it slipped over my eyes.

"Mhhh," I heard a grumble. "A strong character," the hat murmured. "You've seen a lot," he noted, and I saw no reason to interrupt him in his thoughts. "A Hufflepuff won't become of you. You lack the gentleness for that."

" I beg your pardon!", I drove at the voice now after all. Me and not gentle?! What was that supposed to mean?

But the hat would not be swayed. "You have a sharp mind and clear goals. A sharp tongue, if you want."

Still pouting a little at the side blow, I kept silent.
"You could have an extraordinary life if you find your way in the Slytherin house. A career like your parents."

" No way!", I interrupted the hat again. As much as I admired my parents, their lives were nothing I saw for myself. Not anymore.

"Then it's decided," the hat now exclaimed loudly. "Gryffindor."

The hat was removed from my head again and I immediately fixed my hair before blinking over at the principal.
"An excellent choice," he said kindly, placing the hat on one of his shelves.

Of course, I had done my research on Hogwarts before transferring. I knew the virtues of each house, but I had never felt I belonged to Gryffindor. Secretly, I had hoped for Ravenclaw, but apparently I wasn't as smart as I had thought.

" Please come," Dumbledore said, gesturing to the items on his desk. "I've put together a little starter kit for you." He winked at me, then explained the gifts one by one. "A magical map of Hogwarts that will help you find your way around. These are the contents of each subject that students have already learned with us in their grade level."

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