In the library I sat at the last table in the corner of the library. I placed my stuff at the table and went on to grab some books. I got back and started to work on my Charms essay.

It wasn't long when someone came and joined my table.


Cedric's pov:

I got done with potions. That was my second time going to potion class and I still don't understand a thing.

I headed down towards the library. I wanted to get today's work done.

I get in and the first thing that caught my eye was a y/h/c haired girl picking out some books.

It was y/n.

I never got the chance to hang out with y/n today. Maybe we could study together.

I walked over to where she sat, at the very end of the library.

She was reading a book about Charms history.

"Hi, y/n" I greeted.


Y/n pov:

I looked up to see who it was but I already knew who because his voice has become familiar to me.

As soon as I see Cedrics face I gave him a warm smile "Hi Cedric!" I greeted back. He had the most adorable smile on his face.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked pointing at the chair opposite mine.

I take a glance at the chair then back at Cedric. "No not at all" I smile.

Cedric sits down and starts to pull out his potions book. He let's out a long huff when he places it on the table.

I giggle "not enjoying potions?".

"Nothing he says makes any sense to me." He laughs lightly. "Not enjoying Charms?" He nods his head towards the book I was reading.

I let out a sigh "it's not like I don't get it, its just I can't seem to get the hang of it". 'I think it's because I don't belong here' was what I was about to say before I stopped my self when I realized Cedric knows nothing about that.

"Let's make a deal" He spoke. "I help you with Charms and you help me with potions" He smiles as he continues on. "And we could meet here every break time we got to help each other" He suggested.

I smiled at him and nodded my head "deal!"

We both started working on our assignment and helped one another when it was needed.


It was sad when the break time ended which led to me and Cedric going our separate ways because we didn't have classes together.

The rest of the day my classes were spent with Jasmine.

Dinner time, me and Jasmine sat together. Cedric sat with us this time which made me happy.

"Well I better get going" I started to get up from the table.

"Wait we'll go with you me and Jasmine are almost done" Cedric held my hand with his soft touch to stop me from leaving.

"It's just ..." 'come up with a lie that won't hurt them' was all what my mind was telling me. "I promised ... my mom that I would write to her but I haven't yet. I'll wait for you in the common room, ok?"

Both Jasmine and Cedric nod and smile at me.

Before I headed to the doors I looked over at the gryffindor table but i couldn't find certain two red heads.

When I walked out of the great hall instead of taking the path to the Hufflepuff house I took the route to the astronomy tower. It was easy to get lost in Hogwarts, but good thing I have a sharp memory of the paths ... at least I hope I do.

I finally made it to the astronomy tower. There I saw the twins sat on the ground next to one of the pillars.

They finally notice my appearance.

"Took you long enough" said George.

Fred got up and walked over to me and handed me the parchment "you promised" He said with a serious tone.

I nod and take the paper from his hands. I open it up then closed it up again, and fliped the front side of it to face the twins. "Now one of you pull out your wands" I said smirking at their confused faces.

Fred pulls out his wand.

"Now what?" Asked George.

"Now point your wand at the parchment and say these words 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'".

George chuckled.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and was about to hand the parchment back to them, but fred pushed the parchment back into my hands with his wand and said ...

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

INTO THE WORLD OF MY DREAMS (Reader X Cedric)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora