Chapter 18

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She knocked on the window of Demetri's room, scaring the boy awake from the knocking on the window. He looked out his window to see none other than Clover Holland at fucking 5:30 am in the morning

"Clover, what are you doing at .... 5:30 in the morning at my house," Demetri asks, after looking at the time on his phone.

" I got kicked off cobra kai this morning, I needed to see someone," Clover tells him, well more yells since he didn't open the window

"Now can you open the damn window," she asks, he walks over to the window and opens it and she slowly climbs in through. He noticed the bandage around your knee

"What happened there?" He asks, pointing at her knee, she looks down, unknown of what to say, what she said to Aisha or the truth.

"Some people broke into our house last night, I defended my mum but this happened," she told him, going with telling the truth.

"Then Kreese told me I was defective and I somehow got kicked off" She continued, then took a deep breath in. Tears escaped her eyes at the memory.

"Wow, umm I don't know how to handle this, wanna sing it out with girl in red at 5:40 in the morning?" He asks, knowing  girl in red is her favourite at the moment.

He turns it on as they start singing, off-key to girl in red songs. It definitely made her feel better. She was glad she went to Demetri, she hasn't properly spoken to him in a while but she was enjoying his company. His mum was confused at hearing music coming from her son's bedroom at 6 in the morning. Walking in she sees Clover and Demetri, slightly dancing together while singing. His mum only met her once but thought she was lovely, she didn't mind her being here.

She walked home, it did take awhile but she had to meet mum to go to her chemo appointment in the next 45 minutes. She walked into the bathroom to fix her hair, she decided to take it off, only seeing little small hairs there now from it falling out from chemo. She put her wig back on securely and walked out to the living room where she waited for her mother, her brother came home wet, with bits of cement in his hair. The hell did sens- I mean Mr. Lawrence had them do. Her mum finally came downstairs and they headed off to the appointment she hated so much.

After her appointment, she felt sick and tired. All she wanted to do was go to bed and stay in bed but her mother had other plans, she wanted to do a family movie night. Clover groaned, she was too tired to sit through a movie. She went upstairs anyway, slowly making her way up, it was hard walking up the stairs in crutches. She made up to her room before flopping herself on her bed and looked at her phone

She started texting Moon for a while who was just checking up to see how she is, she was really cute like that. Her heart was sunk from her relationship with Hawk but was glad to still have her friendship though.

Then she just sat scrolling through Instagram, there was nothing much there but she still scrolled through it anyway. She looked up at the time, it was only 7:30 pm. Clover groaned at how slowly time was going, she didn't know what else to do, so she found random things to do on her laptop to pass the time but she was pretty tired, Clover decided to stop fighting sleep and just layed down until she felt her eyelids close.

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