Chapter 12

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She walked over to the table holding the vodka and poured some in with some soft drink, taking a break from the beers since she had had way too many, pretty much drunk at this point. She sees Robby as well in the distance and waves to him happily, he happens to notice her too and waves too.

Demetri had also come to talk to her as well keeping an eye on the blonde cobra, who had drunk a bit too much tonight, Miles also came over to look after her and then decided to take Clover home but without mum or dad noticing her. He gets her in the car slowly and then begins driving home, she'd regret it in the morning, they both had the all valley tomorrow morning.

They make it to their apartment block and quietly unlocked the door, it wasn't pasted their curfew thankfully but both mum and dad were asleep already, he helped her towards her room.

"Alright, here's your room, get into something more comfortable and don't do anything stupid," He says, pointing his finger firmly at his sister.

He closes the door, leaving Clover alone in her room. She got up off her bed and opened her closet, grabbing some sweatpants and a t-shirt and slipping them on before flopping onto her bed again, exhausted.

That morning she awoke with a banging hangover, yep she regretted it. She slowly rises out of bed, her head banging. She heads out to the kitchen, to grab some medication for her headache. Clover barely greeted her family when she walked out, going straight for the medicine box and grabbing some pills out of it. Then grabs a plate of food her dad made them this morning, her father took the day off so he could see both his children in the All Valley tournament.

She walked upstairs again after putting her plate in the sink, she got into something casual, packing her gi into her backpack. Clover starts doing some exercises to get herself warmed up ready to go, she was pumped for today once her pain meds kicked in, Clover walked back downstairs. Her family waited to drop them off then parked and find seats.

Miguel was aggressively punching the air in anger, we were just watching him.

"Yo Miguel calm down, man. Save some for the tournament" Hawk says, all Miguel does is give him a look before starting again

"Hey don't even bother, he's been super aggro ever since the break-up," Aisha told us

"Where's sensei?" Clover asks aloud.

"The tournaments are about to start soon" Hawk continues.

"He'll be here" Aisha assured

"I don't know about that" Bert speaks up

"What are you talking about?" Says Aisha, confused.

"I saw him last night at the mini-mall, I was buying...a carton of milk" Bert starts, Clover gives him a look, wondering why he was unsure of what he was buying.

"When I heard him in the parking lot yelling..."Bert continued

"Why didn't you tell us this earlier" Aisha exclaims

"I don't know, I guess I'm used to seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like that big of a deal" Bert explained

"Well, we're here, and he's not. So it's officially a big deal, what if something happened to him" Hawk says

"Like what?"Bert asks

"Like he drove his car off of a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out" Hawk theorised.

"No sensei would never kill himself, that's too pussy a move," Clover says, knowing that nothing like what sensei would do.

"Whatever" Hawk says

"We're gonna have to do it without him" Miles says

"Do what without me" We heard behind us. Sensei finally arrives

"We didn't think you were gonna show up," Hawk tells him

"I may not always win but I never back down from a fight" Sensei says

"Let's sign up" Miguel speaks up.

"Not yet, there is one more lesson I need to teach you," Sensei says.

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