Chapter 8

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"Yeah, but you can't quit," Miguel says, trying to get Demetri to stay in Cobra Kai on the way to Science

"I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money. You know who lives like that? Hookers." Demetri says, being a drama queen.

"Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like I do." Miguel reasons

"Uh, that's hooker talk," Demetri says, she couldn't help but laugh a little at that.

"Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have you," Demetri says, we look over at Kyler who was close by, stopped then turned around

"See? No one's gonna mess with you." Demetri says, pointing it out.

We arrived at science, as people started to crowd in

"Thanks for the Blow Pop, guys. Really never gets old." Sam says as she walks in.

"It's 'cause she gives blowjobs. Get it? Blow Pop. Blow job." Demetri laughs

"Yeah, I get it. It's just a rumour." Miguel says he's whipped.

"Hey, everybody. Who let the pigs out? I did because I ordered the foetal pigs. But seriously, get in your group." Clover turns to Miguel and Demetri.

"Oh, who wants to take Samantha in? This little piggy needs a group. Don't all volunteer at once." Mr Palmer said

"We'll take her." Miguel offered, Clover nodded

"Thank you. I'm gonna go grab a chair." Sam said, Sam walked off as Demetri smelt his sleeve where Sam bumped into him

"Yeah. No problem." Miguel said.

"You're really weird Demi," I tell him, he gives me a lopsided grin.

We put on a plastic apron to dissect the foetal pig and began as our pig was handed to us

"What were you thinking for sex?" Sam asks

"Uh, I mean..." Miguel stutters, Clover laughs at how the boys took that

"Because in the male, this tract opens up near the umbilical cord." Sam states

"So I think ours is female," I say more as a question.

"Yeah. Um... Yeah, I concur." Miguel still stutters.

"Thanks for, um, helping me out, by the way," Sam says to Miguel

"Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm sure you would've found another group," Miguel says, absent-mindedly

"I meant with the fight," Sam says

"Oh. Yeah. Someone had to take care of those assholes." Miguel Spoke

"But nobody else did. It was a pretty nice roundhouse." She complimented

"Thanks; I'm taking these super awesome karate lessons–" Miguel starts

"But you telegraphed the sweep. When you lift up your foot like that, it shifts all the weight to your back leg. More windup, less power." Sam tells him, and Clover smiles.

"Wow. You know your stuff. I guess I should be taking lessons from you." Miguel says

"That was a freebie. Next one I'm gonna expect money upfront." Sam jokes

"Of course, of course. Let's see." Miguel laughs

"Do you guys want a banana? People keep sneaking them in my bag. It's because of that stupid rumour that I'm sure you guys have heard about me." Sam asks

Built on a lie- Cobra Kai (Being rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora