Chapter 4

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After Clover had gotten ready for school, she decided to go see Miguel. On her way out, she saw her brand new skateboard that she saved up to get, excited to go out to the skate park this afternoon. You check on Miguel, he's coming along to school so they both walk to the bus together, just a plain boring day of school.

Clover met up with Aisha as well, trying to cheer her up but people kept snorting at her. Clover found it ridiculous, stupid high schoolers. She heads towards the library where Demetri, Eli, and Miguel are.

"So that's it, no more karate?" Demetri asks, she walked in just after he had said that and sat with them. Clover got a small wave from Eli.

"I guess so," Miguel says, more focused on studying than what Demetri is saying.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence."Demetri says

"Isn't that a good thing?" Miguel inquired

"No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" Demetri dramatically says. She rolls her eyes

"Dramatic as ever Demetri" Clover sang, he gives her a glare.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli spoke up.

"Are you insane? Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?" Demetri questions

"Super strength." Miguel immediately said

"Telekinesis" Clover replied

"Wrong. Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast." Demetri corrected

"Run away from who?" Kyler says, standing behind their table

"Whom." Brucks corrects

It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class–" Kyler cuts him off

"And we were just leaving," Miguel says, Kyler grabs the back of Eli's neck.

"Hey, where are you going?" Kyler asks, turning Eli to face him.

"Oh, look at this freak."Kyler continues


"Oh, shit! What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" Kyler says, you really wanted to say 'your mum' but you held it in thankfully.

"Leave him alone, Kyler."Miguel sighs, you grab Eli out of their grip

"What'd you say? You haven't had enough, 'Rhea? Huh? Yeah Get the hell out of here, man." Kyler says, pushing Miguel out

"You don't want this shit." Kyler grabs Demetri's bag

"No, come on, not the trash! I just threw a..." Demetri paused as Kyler threw it in the trash.

"yoghurt in there." Demetri finished

"Now it's a double dip." Kyler laughs, and he pulls it out covered in yoghurt. You help him wash it off.

That afternoon, Clover heads onto the bus excited to get home so she can grab her skateboard and go to the skate park. She grabs it from the front door and heads back out and walks to the skate park.

She took a breath in, unknown of what to do so she get on the board and stood on it but it slipped from underneath her making her fall down. A boy with hair tucked behind his ear came over to her

"Hey, are you alright," He asks her, she looks up and nods

"Yeah I'm alright, this is my first time skating" You admit, looking down a bit

" I could teach you, give you some pointers" He offers, she looks up at him

"That'd be great thanks" Clover smiled, he spent that whole afternoon teaching her different things, mostly how to keep balance and stuff.

"Thanks..." Clover trails off, not even asking for his name in the beginning.

"Robby," He says, she smiles

"Clover, thanks Robby," She says, appreciating what he did to help her. It was slowly becoming dusk, she decided to head home but remember that she and her family are having dinner at the Diaz's tonight.

She was excited about it. She gets out of what she went to school in and something a little bit nicer, Clover now has to wait for the rest of her family. Miles came to join her soon afterwards, they also had to wait for their dad to get home from work before they went, it was about 6:30 pm. He walked through the door and into their room to get out of his work clothes and we headed off to the Diaz's. 

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