Pandavas were also observing everything, seeing Suyodhana as yuvraj had made their blood boil as it confirmed the theory he was behind that fire. Seeing Vasusen beside him was like salt on their wound of course they thought he was also in that conspiracy not knowing who was truly behimd it. but their anger went away seeing the bride to be. they all were enchanted and attracted towards the beauty of panchal kumari. Her beauty was like nectar which they couldn't deny. They all know she was agni suta hence only they devputra could be one she belonged to but all five desired her.

Seeing the competition of archery four were both disappointed and relieved. Disappointed that they couldn't complete the task and relieved because even arjun couldn't succeed as they weren't invited. even after knowing Arjun could complete the task, they didn't wish for that to happen. They didn't want the beauty to be near them but never belong to them. Arjun on the other hand was severely disappointed as if he was not in exile nothing could stop him from winning both competition and the beautiful bride but as if now he was a mere brahman.

Seeing the failure of everyone they wished to see the failure of Karna as well. They would at least have the pleasure of gloating at his defeat. Arjun was one most looking forward to it happening due to that suta he has lost a great margin of his strength through losing the knowledge of formidable divyastra. Somewhere in his heart he hoped everyone gaiks and the competition was made public at least then even as brahman he could win. other four didn't have this thought at all.

The swayamvar went on as none could even lift the bow, soon it was the turn of suyodhana, he just stood up,

Suyodhana: I am abstaining from the competition as archery isn't my forte. also i am already married and don't wish to practice polygamy. i represent hastinapur to thank Maharaj Drupad for his invitation.

drupad just nodded, Dhritadyum then called the name of Ashwathama,

Ashwathama: I too withdrew from the competition.

before Ashwathama could say anything, drupad snapped,

Drupad: it seems drona didn't teach you well.

How could drupad leave the opportunity to insult Drona and Ashwathama who robbed half of his empire.

Ashwathama: Maharaj you don't have to worry about what i was taught, i am abstaining because i wish to follow brahmacharya hence i couldn't marry even if i complete the task.

Drupad: say whatever you want to buy through today's competition it became apparent that teachers nowadays are incapable of teaching.

Drupad was insulting drona but his words did spark a fire in everyone present especially in karna for whom his guru was more than a teacher. He was planning to abstain but it seems he had mahe Drupad swallow his words he would not complete the task but perfectly show what he was taught. he didn't have to wait for long as his name was called. Karna stood up and marched towards the resting bow.

Upon reaching there he just closed his eyes and after saluting his guru in his mind and seeking his blessings he gripped the bow and with relative ease he lifted it. his actions brought gasps there. Draupadi clenched her fists in worry, Drupad was little relieved that now no one would think the ceremony was a ruse to insult them. Suyodhana himself was too stupefied but happy, so was Ashwathama. They knew karna didn't wish to participate but it would be great if he got married. pandavas were really angry somewhere in their heart they know of Karna's skills that makes Arjun's pales in comparison. they never wanted the beauty to belong to Karna.

Meanwhile Karna strung the bow easily but he didn't wish to continue especially as not before asking the consent of bride, but before he could say anything, a voice resounded

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