Chapter 13: First Match

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"Pretty close." Harry agrees.

"It's all right. I felt the same way before my first game."

"What happened?"

"I don't really remember. I took a Bludger to the head about 2 minutes in and woke up in hospital a week later."

James Sirius scoffed. "Yeah, that really made him feel safe." He commented.

Madam Hooch, clad in referee robes, addresses the players. "Now I want a nice, clean game from all of you." She glances tellingly at Slytherin captain Marcus Flint. Harry leans over to Angelina Johnson, a Gryffindor Chaser.

"Who is he, Angelina?" Harry asks her.

"Marcus Flint, Slytherin captain. They say he's got troll blood in him." She answers. Harry swallows as Flint glares at him murderously.

"Please, Marcus is a teddy bear." Zoe said.

"Uncle Marcus!" Jean yelled when she saw him on screen.

"Mount your brooms, please." Madame Hooch says. Hands trembling, trembling. Harry waits, then... The whistle blasts. Fourteen broomsticks rise into the air as the crowd roars. Madam Hooch kicks the crate, releasing two screaming Bludgers. Then tosses up the Quaffle in the stands. Lee Jordan does commentary.

"Nobody talk, it's my son's first match!" James yelled.

"Wooo! Bambi!" The Marauders yelled.

"Quaffle's up... and straight off taken by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor. What an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive too, I might add..." Professor McGonagall causes a disapproving glance at Jordan, then turns to watch the action below.

Cradling the Quaffle, Angelina Johnson weaves wickedly past a Slytherin Chaser, ducks under a sizzling Bludger that Fred Weasley chips away, then dishes off to us feeding Alicia Spinnet. Alicia falls into a fifteen-foot rolling dive feeds the Quaffle back to Angelina... But has it intercepted by a slashing Marcus Flint. Flint flies fast for the hoop, rears back... but has his shot blocked by Oliver Wood. Wood bumps the Quaffle to Chaser Katie Bell, who rockets past Flint the length of the field... only to take a Bludger to the back of the head. As the Quaffle pops loose, Marcus Flint grabs it, drives with astonishing speed back the other way, then takes a Bludger himself, courtesy of George Weasley. Angelina Johnson swoops down, snatching the spinning, Quaffle and flying like lightning, races the field to score.

As Gryffindor cheers fill the cold air, Hagrid makes his way up the stands, scattering students in his wake. "Budge up there. Clear the way. How's Harry holdin' up?" Ron and Hermione squeeze together, giving Hagrid space.

"He hasn't had much to do yet." Ron answers.

"First game. He stays outta trouble, that'll be doin' enough." Hagrid states. Above the pitch, Slytherin's Adrian Pucey eludes two Bludgers, two Weasleys and the Chaser, zooming toward the goals... when suddenly a flash of gold zips by his left ear.

"The Snitch!" Harry yells. Far below, Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgs makes his move. Harry dives. Faster than Higgs, he closes the gap quickly, eyes locked on the tiny golden ball. He adds some speed, reaches out, and – WHAM! – Marcus Flint hits him full on, sending him reeling. Harry pulls up his tip, levels off, and glances about. But the Snitch is gone.

"So much for a teddy bear." Ron whispered to Hermione, making her laugh.

"FOUL! FOUL! FOUL!" Ron, Hermione and Hagrid yell in unison. As a Bludger screams past Harry, he tries to kick his broom higher. Instead, it lurches, nearly tossing him off. Below, Hagrid peers through his binoculars, frowns.

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