Chapter 10: First Night

Start from the beginning

The students mutter. "It's so warm!"

"That's so much better!"

"Thanks Zoe!"

"Alright Slytherin!" Charles Burke yells. "It's getting late, and you have an early start, everyone to bed. Zoe goes to the stairs when she hears whispers.

"The heir. This way." She turns to see an ebony door materialise on the wall between the two stairs. She walks towards it when a sixth-year yells.

"You can't go to that!" Zoe turns. The camera shows the corner of the room, it shows a sixth-year boy watching the exchange. He has black hair and a silver crown upon his head. It was the Slytherin King, Xavier Rosier.

"Who's that?" Arthur asked.

"I'm guessing the king, since he has a crown on his head." Barty responded sarcastically.

"Uncie Xavi!" Jean yelled.

"Unci Xavi?" Harry asked out loud.

"Xavier and mum were close during their time at Hogwarts, then when he left, they stayed in contact, he become one of her brothers and one of our uncles." Scorpius answered. Harry looked down in guilt. He became the brother that he should have been, her kids don't even refer to his as uncle Harry, just Harry. He needs to change that now, he can't change the past, but he can change the future.

"Why not?" Zoe asks.

"Why they say that?" Harry whispered to his sister.

She gestured to the screen. "Keep watching, you'll find out soon."

"Salazar Slytherin had a dorm made just for his daughter when she came to Hogwarts, he didn't trust anyone not to harm her for who her father was. So, he made her a safe haven, his magic created this room to change into whatever she wanted so she would never be unhappy, and so she would be the only one to open, he used blood magic to infuse his actual magic into the wards surrounding it, so only a member of his family or his heir can open it." Charles Burke explains.

Zoe stands in front of the door, her back towards the students. "You mean like this?" She says as she pushes the door open. The students gasps, three animals leave the room: a Tiger, an Occamy and a Runespoor. "My babies!" Zoe squeals, the camera changes to show the students move back in fear, but King Xavier leaned closer in anticipation.

"W-who are they?" A student stutters in fear.

Seeing their reactions, Zoe reassures them. "You don't have to worry, they won't harm you unless you intend to harm me or my family. Because we're in the same house, you become my family, they'll protect you and they'll inform me if anyone is in trouble."

"How did you get them?" King Xavier asks. "They aren't on the list of accepted pets."

"Papa brought them for me, we even got permission from the Ministry to allow me to have them. If Weasley can bring a rat, Lee Jordan can have a tarantula, and I doubt that they actually have permission from the Ministry, only Dumbledore, then I can have whatever I want."

"Introduce them to us." Xavier demands, she didn't like his demanding things of her but knew she had to listen for he was the Slytherin King, she was a first year. She could easily take him down but knew she had to bind her time until needed.

"Spike." She points to the Tiger. "Sapphire." The Occamy. "Asmodeus, Diablo and Medusa." The Runespoor. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and wish to retire to my dorm." She walks into her dorm with the animals, she doesn't wait for any reply. She shuts the door and lays on her back on the bed and sighs.

"Who are you?" A voices says in the background, Zoe turns but the scene cuts to black.

"What the hell!" Everyone yelled.

"What happened? Who was it?" Regulus asked Zoe.

"I'm not telling." She smirked as everyone groans. "If it doesn't show by the end of the movie then I'll tell you."

Author Notes:

Hi guys, can't believe I was able to get an update so soon when I'm meant to be working on the Hidden.

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