Chapter 4: The Mystery Letters

Start from the beginning

Hallway – Day

The boys come flying into the hall, throw themselves against the door as it slams shut.

"I want my letter!" Harry demands.

"I want me stick!" Dudley demands.

Harry and Dudley make a furious play for the keyhole, but Dudley's size proves too much and Harry, glasses dangling from one ear, settles for the crack between door and floor.

Harry's Point of View of Uncle Vernon's thick black shows pacing back and forth.

"Vernon. Look at the address. How could they possibly know where he sleeps? You don't think they're watching the house?" Petunia whispers to her husband.

"Watching. Spying. Following us. We both know the dangerous nonsense your sister and her husband were mixed up in." Vernon responds.

"Magic is not nonsense!" The purebloods in the Great Hall yelled at the screen.

"But what should we do, Vernon? Should we write back. Tell them we don't want..."

"No. We'll ignore it. If they don't get an answer... Yes, that's best... I'll burn it."

"That is not a good idea. Minnie can be very persuasive when she wants to be." Remus joked.


Kitchen – Day

Uncle Vernon walks to the stove, flips on a gas jet. As the letter burns, Harry pounds the door and a montage begins.

Roof – Number Four Privet Drive – Morning

An owl beats its way across the sky, flutters down upon the TV antenna, where two other owls already sit.

Living Room – Same Time

A frowning Uncle Vernon stands before the telly, struggling to unscramble a rugby match. The click of the mail slot is heard, and he turns.

Front Hall – Day

Three are letters lie on the mat. Uncle Vernon enters, snatches them up, rips them to pieces.

Cupboard – Day

Harry sits sadly upon his bed, when... BANG! BANG! BANG!

Front Hallway – Moments Later

Harry eases open the cupboard door. Down the hallway, Uncle Vernon stands swinging a hammer, mouth bulging with nails as he pounds shut the mail slot.

Number Four Privet Drive – Morning

Uncle Vernon exits the house with his briefcase, stops. Four owls sit atop his Vauxhall. He watches curiously as they take flight, then looks down. Four letters lie at his feet.

Living Room – Night

The fireplace blazes. Uncle Vernon pitches a handful of letters into the flames, turns. Harry stands watching.

Roof – Number Four Privet Drive – Same Time

As the chimney smokes, five owls sit in black silhouette against a full moon.

Kitchen Window – Number Four Privet Drive – Morning

Aunt Petunia cracks an egg. Inside is a letter. She cracks another. Another letter. We pan off the window to Dudley's neglected bicycle. Perched atop the handlebars, seat and tires are six owls. Montage ends.

Living Room – Sunday Morning – Day

Dudley lies on the floor, destroying another birthday toy, as Aunt Petunia carefully sets a cup of coffee by Uncle Vernon, who sits in an armchair, smiling strangely. "Fine day, Sunday. Best day of the week in my opinion. Know why I say that, Dudley?" Dudley didn't answer, but Harry did.

"Because there's no post on Sundays."

Uncle Vernon looks up brightly, but Harry's eyes are on the window behind him. Outside, the sky is dark with owls.

"Right, you are Harry! No damn letters today! No sir. No one blasted..." Vernon was interrupted by something whizzing down the chimney and smacks Uncle Vernon flat on the back of the head. Seconds later another follows, and then another, until the living room is aflock with... letters. Harry leaps onto a table, trying to snag one, when Uncle Vernon seizes him by the waist.

Hallway – Day

As Uncle Vernon stumbles out, Harry shakes free of his gasp and stares dumbly: letters swirl up and down the hall.

"Who on earth wants to talk to you this badly!" Dudley demands to Harry, but he doesn't answer.

A letter flutters on Harry's fingertips... before Uncle Vernon sweeps it away, eyes crazed, shouting crazily. "That does it! we're going away! Far away! Where they can't find u! where they can't get to us!"

Dudley glances at his mother. "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Petunia didn't answer, she just hugged her son tighter.

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