"You'll have to kill me."

"Very well." Voldemort aims his wand towards her, Lily went to grab her wand, but realised, she did not have it. She had left it in the kitchen.

"Seriously, how do you not have your wands!" James Sirius yelled at his grandparents. But he has ignored.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A scream is heard, the scene transitions to the outside, green light shines from the windows as Lily dies. The scene changes back to the nursery, Lily is seen on the floor. A wand is shown, pointing at Harry before fading to black.

Cries filled the Great Hall, the marauders crying over James' death, Severus, Molly, and Arthur crying over Lily.

"James. We're dead. We don't see our children grow up. I mean look at them now! They aren't close. They hate each other. We must change this; we have to survive, and we have to raise our children together." Lily ranted but she was interrupted by Zoe.

"No." Everyone looked shocked at her words.

"You hate me that much that you don't want our parents alive!" Harry yelled at her, she stood up angrily.

"Not everything is about you Potter! They can survive if they want but I don't want to be with them, leaving me with my father is the only good decision Dumbledore made with me, I don't want that changed. I have this amazing family that I will lose." She looked at James and Lily. "I won't be the same person; I'll be weaker because you don't follow the traditions. I will be pathetic, I don't want to leave Garrick, he is my father."

Lily went to speak but James spoke first. "If that is what you wish... then that will remain the same." Everyone looked at James. "I will write a note for Ollivander and you explaining this, because I don't want you think that we abandoned you, and we reserve the right to visit you. Because I want a relationship with you. Even though I wasn't given the chance to raise, you... you are still my daughter." James explained.

"I'm fine with that."



"Shall we continue?"




Everyone looked confused at the interaction. They shook their heads and continue watching the movie.

Fade in: Privet Drive – Night

"Privet Drive? Petunia's just moved there. He's left my son with my sister who hates magic!" Lily yelled angrily. Dumbledore knew Petunia hated magic, why would he leave Harry with her?

It's dark at this hour. The only source of light are the street lamps that dot the street, spilling deep pools of light upon the ground.

A man materialises out of the darkness. He is tall and thin, he has a silver beard long enough to tuck into his belt. He wears a purple cloak and is known to roughly be one hundred and fifth years old. He is Albus Dumbledore.

He removes a small silver object from his cloak. Its the deluminator. He extends his hand and a clicking sound is heard, the nearest street lamp goes out with a soft pop. He continues until the entire street is immersed in darkness.

"That is so cool!" James exclaimed in awe.

"We should get one. Think of the pranks!" Sirius said with a similar look in his eyes.

"Afraid that's not possible lads." Ron spoke. "There's only one in existence." He lifted the deluminator. "And its mine."

He turns, and notices a cat, sitting on the wall of Number Four. He knows who it is.

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