"bullshit!" rylee laughed, "i've been watching you two together and there's no way you both are just friends."

"well," isabel started, "i'm not sure exactly what we are yet."

minutes later, grayson made his way back to isabel and handed her a drink.

for the next hour, everyone was on the dance floor, dancing their hearts out.

"grayson!" a voice called, causing both isabel and grayson to turn their heads. there was ethan walking up to both of them.

"what's up?" grayson asked.

"i didn't know you'd be here since your not on the football team." isabel said.

"i know most of the football team." ethan said to isabel before turning to grayson, "we're going to prank our rivals, you guys wanna come?"

grayson looked at isabel, waiting to see what she would say, "cmon, it'll be fun guys!" ethan pleaded.

"i guess." isabel shrugged.

"okay, we're in." grayson said.

"us too!" rylee and hannah said.

"great." ethan said as they all followed him.

"i wanna come too!" a boy isabel had never seen before said and followed them.

the six of them made their way out of the house and all stood in a circle, making a game plan.

"i don't think we've met." the football player said to isabel, "i'm jacob fryar." the boy held his hand out.

isabel politely shook his hand, "isabel jackson." she said.

"oh,  so you're the new girl i've been hearing so much about." jacob said. "i now can understand why you're the talk of the school, you're gorgeous." he said causing grayson to look at him oddly.

isabel just laughed awkwardly, hoping someone would change the subject. ethan indeed took the hint, "alright guys let's just go."


thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at their rivalry college.

"so what exactly are we doing as a prank?" asked hannah.

"alright guys, we each need to split up in teams of two. one teams going to the locker rooms, one's going in the hallways, and the other ones going to the cafeteria. i've got glitter we're going to pour everywhere along with silly string and confetti so it'll be a pain to clean up." ethan said.

"i call being on a team with isabel!" jacob said and isabel looked at him like he was crazy while grayson had a look on his face that literally said he wanted to kill him.

"oh hell no," grayson said, "she's going with me."

"are you guys like a thing?" jacob asked.

"no-" isabel said but was cut off by rylee. "they so are." grayson didn't disagree so they all just left it alone.

"whatever." jacob said.

"isabel and grayson you guys take the locker room, jacob and rylee take the hallways, and hannah and i will take the cafeteria." ethan spoke as everyone nodded and split up.

the campus was quite empty since they were on a two week break.

grayson and isabel walked through the locker rooms pouring buckets of glitter all over the place. literally anywhere isabel could reach, there was probably glitter there. she poured some in the showers, in the lockers, and anywhere else she could.

grayson was silly stringing the place down, and while isabel's back was turned to him he couldn't help but spray her with the silly string.

isabel gasped before turning around, "oh no you didn't!" she said before picking up a handful of glitter and throwing it at him.

grayson striked back by spraying the silly string in her face this time.

"grayson dolan!" isabel laughed, "i hate you!"

"no you don't." he smirked.

he was right of course, but she wasn't going to admit that.

the two definitely were playing more than working on destroying the locker room, but they were having fun with each other.

she definitely did not think this is where her mission would get her, but she wasn't mad about it.

she couldn't wait to tell mallory about this.

suddenly, there was a loud screeching noise which made isabel and grayson both look at each other with wide eyes. "someone's in here." grayson whispered, "we have got to get out of here."

grayson grabbed isabel's hand before running through the locker rooms, "call ethan!" he whispered and isabel nodded.

grayson continued to look for a back door and finally when he found one, ethan answered the phone.


"ethan someone's in here. we have got to get out of here, now." isabel said.

"what? are you serious?" ethan asked.

"yes! we've got to leave!" isabel responded.

"my cars unlocked, go wait there, i'll call the others and we'll be there as quick as we can." ethan said.

"okay." isabel said before hanging up and her and grayson both ran to ethan's car as fast as they could and waited there for the others.

✔️ hurt; grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now