Mission 1: Parasaurolophus

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Donovan looked around, it was a small forest made from small thin trees with little to no leaves and vegetation. The sun was just rising. He thought about what Johnathan had said, "We have herbivores on these islands, but also theropods. Kepler-452b was devoid of any life so they try to keep the ecosystem stable by having the theropods and herbivores make their equilibrium."

Donovan looked at the watch on his left wrist. It showed a small overlay map of the island, with eight or so yellow flashing lights. There was one of them close to 1000 feet away. That wasn't too bad, given the others were 3000 or more feet. He pulled out a 17-PST. It was a handgun made by Paradigm Shift Technologies, the company that hired Donovan, Johnathan, and the other five hunters and militarians.

He looked around, a small clicking sound filling the forest. He kept walking, holding the gun at his side, unholstered, in his right hand. On his right hand is a digital caster that sent out a digital sequence that showed him a compass showing the direction he was going, and the way the wind was going. So far he was headed straight northeast and the wind was blowing on him. His scent was being knocked backward, but that might attract unwanted theropods.

He had been advised against running, given that the dinosaur-oids found that the smell of sweat was the path to easy prey. As a result, his outfit had a low-power AC keeping his body just under the threshold.

Another thing they advised against doing was firing his weapon as the two apex predators of the Delphine Hills, Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus, found that small power weapons being fired, as the 17-PST Donovan had with him, was the key to a good meal as that meant that the prey didn't have anything inherently fatal.

He looked around, his visibility with the fog that was around encompassing every island kept visibility just under 370 feet.  He looked back at his map and saw that he was only 500 or so feet away from the Parasaurolophus. He brought the gun up to his line of vision and continued to progress. He saw the animal, and he was stunned.

It was roughly six feet tall, and it was muscular. It looked like it could run for days and be fine. Its head was thin, and after the head was a crest going about a foot in a slightly downwards curve. It was colored in a thin brown at the top of the animal, descending into a darker brown.

Donovan aimed, took a breath, and pulled the trigger.

The gun jerked, the animal let out a trumpeting horn sound, blood splattered onto a nearby tree, and at the same time, an ear-splitting roar shook the land.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

Donovan ran after the animal, ignoring his instructions. He aimed and fired the gun again. The bullet went right through the animal's leg, crippling it. Donovan approached the animal slowly, unsure of what to do. 

He cocked the gun, brought it to the Parasaurolophus' head, and pulled the trigger. He paused and realized he was panting hard. Then a scent scoured his nose.


Then a sickening realization came over him...

There were no sounds of the forest. No animals chirping or growling. No birds cawing. Nothing.

Then he heard a growl pierce over the land. It echoed around Donovan, trapping him in a sickening cocoon, leaving no way to escape. Then he felt the ground shake. He looked around, fear and adrenaline grasping his lungs and holding them. The sounds echoed and bounced as the animal moved.

Suddenly the forest on Donovan's right side was alive, and the animal stepped forwards, slowly.

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